Bulletproof Glass Collection


Active Member
Sick, if I have extra money this weekend from all the glass I have to buy I'm picking one of these up! I desperately need a chillum, and who doesn't love monsters?
By the way Dank remember when Kitty told you he wanted a Vagina dome? Well I want one soon too hahaha.


Active Member

Pretty good quality for a damn phone I think, I think it would look even better if I filmed horizontally but had to put the phone inside a roll of tape for a stand.


Glassblowing Moderator
here a sneak peak at the monsters. I had a dream they came to life. I think I'm dabbing too much before bed and been making too many of these lately...


Well-Known Member
Package arrived, and totally satisfied! I'll let you know what my friend's (Who I got them for) response is tomorrow when he sees them. Thanks Danks!



Well-Known Member
i ordered wine glasses from a local blower years ago (for a wedding gift) and they were a little smaller than i expected.

I ordered pint glasses from a sepereate blower a year later for a friends graduation, and they didn't fit a whole pint.

I also had it happen with a shot glass, it most be a normal occurance, i just chalk it up to artistic variances ;)

nice shotys :)


Glassblowing Moderator
Aaah, it's a shot glass. It holds a shot. You didn't ask for a double shot. I actually kept making them shorter because I was trying to make them hold 1 shot. ;)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
More pipes.... Blah blah blah


That one on the bottom is sick. I want that one, unless you have different ones to pick from! It's soooooo fucking pretty. I don't even smoke bowls unless I'm away from electricity and oil, but that piece is so clean! What is the white on the side, clouds?

So that's the tube pull from my bikes color scheme? Do you have any more pieces you pulled that color scheme!?

I want to name it boo boo kitty fuck, as a term of endearment, because it's that pretty.

Then again, maybe I'm a fucking sucker for that color scheme! :lol:


Glassblowing Moderator
It's at Michigan glass project, I have more of the tubing. It's super clean.. I can pull it out if u war but u better tell me quick. And I need $ I'm broke down here except for my glass.