Bulletproof Glass Collection

yes and yes.

Sweet I'm in the market for an extractor, what sizes do you have and what is the cost?

Thanks man!
Just got my confirmation from glasscraft on my order of fittings yesterday. Got a few other interesting things in my order I'm pumped about.. just was making a fitting order and ended up with over 400$ in glass.
Nice man. Well I'm down to help you break even.

I've got a sovergnty stemless upgrid bent neck that I want a stopper to make cleaning it easier.

So im down for simple stuff, maybe like a LITTLE black color above the ground glass to make it match the bong... ( bong is clear glass, with tiny black label)

I can pay you now if you would like. ;)
Just fitting and solid black at the end? That's not a problem at all. Would you like a ball, square, flat, nut (like bolt and nut) or other shape?
100% artists choice ;) Make something you like and surprise me with it!

It doesn't even have to be solid black, it could have a dot of black and that would be fine.. I hope that gives you a little room to have fun? :)

Just any type of geometric shape, no figures or monsters necessary :)
at least 1000 posts, 6 blocks of reputation, a picture of you holding your ID and todays newspaper and a right hand finger... that too much? lol
what size do you want? I havnt actually been selling them regularly because I want my friends to buy my oil... mwa ha ah ha
But I can make them as long as you want up to 4 feet
hey dank you think you could fit in a custom bubbler anytime soon? and just so you know im serious about his and am not going to back out at the last second.
what size do you want? I havnt actually been selling them regularly because I want my friends to buy my oil... mwa ha ah ha
But I can make them as long as you want up to 4 feet

Hahah... What size do you like to use? I've never made oil before so this would be my first extractor. I would like something I could use trim or bud in so I was thinking at least 1 oz capacity.
Some newbies..
These are my new prodos gonna sandblast riu and other logos from my LoCal stores on them. Perfect pocket piece. No lump...

Also got a monster hammer



This bubbler has dual hole on the downstem

dank please drop me a PM if/when you make that 18mm stopper.... im a busy dude and I don't want to miss out on what I requested!

I can pay a week+ in advance too, let me know ;)