Bummed, something hermied. Seed production timeline Q

past times

Well-Known Member
So i am at about 4 -5 weeks of flowering with three plants. 1 Critical Jack, 2 superbomb. I also had a Og#18 going but I chopped about 2.5 weeks ago, because I really have a small space, and am trying to get mother plants (And the OG18 was clawing pretty bad).

I was out of town for the weekend and too tired to pull them out last night, so looked today after about 5 days of really not inspecting them at all. After looking at the smaller superbomb, I noticed its small side branch looked a lot farther along (Like 3 weeks farther along, almost done even). After looking over the whole plant I did not see any obvious pollen sack. But I did find about 5 other little nugs scattered across other the other branches. Immediately I was suspicious so I cut off a smaller little bud, And found a small underdeveloped seed. It is about the size of a pen tip. I was so pissed I chopped it immediately. Should have took pictures but I was pissed and didn't want it to keep spreading pollen.

So how long does it take for a seed to develop to pen tip size? Firm enough to have a shell...

I am curious as to when you guys think this happened...I am not positive it started on that plant, but the other 2 don't have any of these shrunken, appearing finished buds. I only see maybe a handful of hairs even thinking about turning orange at this point (Thinking I still have at least + or - 4 weeks). So I am hoping it was just that plant and if anything spread minimal pollen. Is it possible to hermie from within a bud so that could happen. I find it weird that I didn't have any bananas though...

past times

Well-Known Member
I also have 4 other plants in the room that are 9 days from swtiching to 12/12. They have done most of their stretch and all have been showing for at least a few days. I am worried almost more about that batch then the Critical Jack and Superbomb that are at 5 weeks (Almost resigned to the fact that I am probably going to find a small amount of seeds is both of those). I just don't want the next batch to have any seeds at all. I have already wiped the tent down and gave the younger plants a good spray of water to try to kill any possible pollen on their leaves. Can you impregnate a barely starting to flower plant?


Active Member
You Prob. lost some good bud by chopping it early. Yes it is possible to Hermie - bananas will show up in the bud if it does (usually). They could be anywhere in the bud from deep inside to under leaves. I have one now that is about 7-10 days left to finish (discovered about 10 days ago). I Keep pulling off the nanners (10-20 per day). Have not found any seeds and have not found any nanners that have opened (not to say that a hidden one doesn't exist. I just moved it out from the other ladies upon discovery. The buds are not as big as some energy is being diverted to making nanners and may end up with a few seeds (don't see any yet) but it should still smoke good - just not yield as much. Next time if it's only 3 or so weeks away - you might want to pull it out of the flower room and flower it elsewhere and watch it. If it spits nanners out like crazy then kill it but it may be manageable to at least get something out of it for all the effort put in - Just my opinion. I had another one that had 2 nanners on it - pulled them off 3 weeks ago and have not had another show up and the buds just keep getting bigger (prob a stress related to over nuting). Don't let haste make waste - see how it goes before destroying it but def. get it out of ther main flower room - just in case. Hope your other ladies be fine. and KOG is correct they will stretch 2-3 times what they are when you put them under 12/12. And if it has pistils it can be polinated - that's what they are there for.

Altho no one wants seeds (unless breeding), a few won't kill ya

past times

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I wish I could have kept it going, but I still smoked some of it after it dried. Pretty good for about 5 weeks old really. I was more concerned about screwing the other ones up, and my 2x3 room is pretty full now anyway (The next rotation has 4 plants at 3 weeks flowering now so the space was needed. The other superbomb looks fantastic and 2 weeks ahead of the critical jack that went in at the same time. So hopefully I can chop that down in a week and a half or so, and see how it really smokes fully developed (And hope to not find more than a few seeds - but maybe a couple to have some fem superbomb). My ultimate goal is to breed though so I am just picking mothers now anyway, and the superbomb I didn't chop was the better looking of the two. I need to research seed development, but anyone know how long it takes to make a fully developed seed after pollination?