Bump if your Sober/dry/probi...

Yes.... that is a great description of it.... like super long frog leaps....almost like catching a gravity wave. :lol:

yes.... I always feel like it is so simple if done correctly. It makes me giddy (in my dream that is).... I'm so f'n happy when I am doing it...:wink:
So I'm not the only one then, is It like you just gain momentum and its like a wave of anti gravity just carries you forever almost? you just have a powerful giddy feeling of absolute freedom? and its always trough the country side like hills and fields grass and trees. I miss those dreams if I could have that dream whenever I wanted. I don't think I would touch any drug ever again.
My "flying" trips are almost always local....like on my own property...but I have plenty of open land so maybe that's why.
Hey CrackerJax, by any chance are you the CJ that gave me a + rep a couple of days ago for a post about box drying?
Goin to be sober tomorrow managed to smoke an 8th to myself since friday and I havnt smoked today. Im pretty pissed I usually can get by with a gram of fire a day but this shit had to be screened because I smoked it all this weekend. I want my money back!
I'm on a 3 month dry spell....really sucks. The guy I can usually buy a bag of mexi brick weed to get me by is being a little douche and not returning my calls. Seems like the younger your connection is the more unreliable they are. Oh well it's only about 2 months till my plants are ready to chop.
Sober tonight gonna stay sober for the rest of the week. I love smoking but smoking and trying to do my programming homework correctly is pretty much impossible and I have a game due by the end of next week I will make it available to all those who want it. Nothing special just a simple text based game. This is going to be a shitty week.
I slept like shit last night. Weird dreams, night sweats fuck i couldnt sleep at all. I dreamed that rosario dawson was a sham doctor that was removing a ice pic from my spine with a pair of bbq tongs. But she was naked so it was ok.
Bump, still sober but I feel pretty good. I got finals all week next week but, after that I am going to get so ripped my eyballs are dry up.
got laid off and havent had any money to spare on weed and will be another week b4 new money starts coming in.... that and my last grow was destroyed on superbowl sunday day b4 12/12 and that would of been done by now ='/
i am on day 2 of a 30 day break as i have to piss clean due to a case i caught last summer. i took a 7 day break earlier this year in an attempt to piss clean for a psych evaluation as part of my plea bargain. i was thc+ despite that 7 day break. so now i have to do 30 days (or however many necessary) so my next piss is clean. the cravings are there but not as bad as back in march when i had my 7 day break. i think its unfair that i have to piss clean when the case i caught had nothing to do with bud or any other drugs. i also think its ironic that the one drug i can still do, alcohol, is the one drug that contributed to me catching the case.
Bumb~ my connect was an epic fail last night so no wake n bake but I should have some by 3 or 4. Have to go back to school on monday that one week was not enough:(