Bump if your Sober/dry/probi...


Well-Known Member
Just jumped out of my pool after swimming laps and I am Super Sober. I needed a break for a few days while my tolerance went down. Im picking up 2 zips of reggies today, 1 for me 1/2 for butter and 1/2 for tincture so I can make some more lollipops. gonna get blazed in my pool tomorrow. :)


Well-Known Member
well...i might've found the answer to getting high and passing drug tests...just dont know how safe the shit is..

has anyone heard of "black mamba" or "king krypto?" its this legal "exotic incense" that you can buy at headshops. i thought the shit was bullshit, but my buddy had some of it..he gets randomly tested for his job so he cant toke, but he smokes this shit all the time. i tried it today, and took 4 hits. and HOLY SHIT! was i fuckin high..just like weed, red eyes, cottonmouth, all that shit...i couldnt believe it! I went to the smoke shop, and bought 2 grams. it sucks tho. the shit is 20 bucks a gram, and i weighed it when i got home, they fuckin jipped me! shit weighed .7! but i didnt give a shit...i was fuckin stoned...

so for all you tokers out there that cant toke because of random tests or are just plain dry because lack of product in your area, give this shit a try. it fuckin worked for me.

If I may say something here,

To all you kids on here.. that can't smoke for whatever reason. Don't go out and buy this shit.. to smoke it. Its called an incense for a reason... its not made to smoke. You guys have no idea what could be in that shit.. the ingredients. You would have to be one desperate idiot to go out and and smoke incense.

The reason i spoke up on this subject.. is because they just had a recent outbreak of these Jr. High kids and some High School kids that were going out and obtaining it so they could smoke it and get high. Bunch of freaking retards is what they are.. I did some dumb shit when I was a kid too.. but I wasn't ever that dumb or desperate for that matter. Anyhow, they outlawed the stuff here... its now illegal to buy and or purchase as well possess the substance. I think it was called K2 or something like that... but its the same thing your talking about.

Just wanted to give out my opinion. Maybe save someone from dying even.. just before you actually go try to buy it so you can smoke it.. just remember you really don't know what all is in there.. and or if any of the ingredients are poisonous when burned.. there's no studies of how these ingredients effect the human body and its internal organs.. or the brain or anything else.

But hey, its on you.



Well-Known Member
If I may say something here,

To all you kids on here.. that can't smoke for whatever reason. Don't go out and buy this shit.. to smoke it. Its called an incense for a reason... its not made to smoke. You guys have no idea what could be in that shit.. the ingredients. You would have to be one desperate idiot to go out and and smoke incense.

The reason i spoke up on this subject.. is because they just had a recent outbreak of these Jr. High kids and some High School kids that were going out and obtaining it so they could smoke it and get high. Bunch of freaking retards is what they are.. I did some dumb shit when I was a kid too.. but I wasn't ever that dumb or desperate for that matter. Anyhow, they outlawed the stuff here... its now illegal to buy and or purchase as well possess the substance. I think it was called K2 or something like that... but its the same thing your talking about.

Just wanted to give out my opinion. Maybe save someone from dying even.. just before you actually go try to buy it so you can smoke it.. just remember you really don't know what all is in there.. and or if any of the ingredients are poisonous when burned.. there's no studies of how these ingredients effect the human body and its internal organs.. or the brain or anything else.

But hey, its on you.


The ingredient that makes you high is JWH-018 which is a synthetic cannabinoid that is still unregulated in most states. Spice, K2, GDS and all the others all pretty mush are the same. A bunch of herbs mixed with this chemical. I have smoked it as well and yes it does fuck you up but, It is not healthy. I hear it causes brain damage but then again what doesn't these days.


Well-Known Member
I've heard you can get JWH-018 in pure form, and if so I don't see how it would kill brain cells, it's simply a powerful synthetic cannabinoid . . . and cannabinoids don't kill brain cells, they protect them and cause them to grow . . .

so if anything is going to kill braincells, it's the shit OTHER than jwh-018 in it . . .


Well-Known Member
er, it's a cannabinoid so wouldn't it show up on cannabinoid based tests? or does have an entirely different metabolite than THC?

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I'm sober and I'm about to go on the biggest break from it I've had in 2 months...I think doing it too much (like every day) doesn't do my brain any favours, I can get down and depressed for no reason when I come back down the next day which is just shit and not worth it when I'm feeling "black"...I'm having a break for a week then I'm gonna keep it regulated instead of doing it nearly daily - being sober feels brill after a binge...nothing wrong with a binge as long as you know when to quit, listen to your brain - if you start getting depressed over nothing its time for a break if you ask me!


Well-Known Member
I'm sober and I'm about to go on the biggest break from it I've had in 2 months...I think doing it too much (like every day) doesn't do my brain any favours, I can get down and depressed for no reason when I come back down the next day which is just shit and not worth it when I'm feeling "black"...I'm having a break for a week then I'm gonna keep it regulated instead of doing it nearly daily - being sober feels brill after a binge...nothing wrong with a binge as long as you know when to quit, listen to your brain - if you start getting depressed over nothing its time for a break if you ask me!
eh, I believe that's your own mental habitual cycle, you're probably using cannabis wrongly to get yourself into that cycle.

cannabis is not bad for your brain in any way, in fact, it IS doing your brain favors . . . . moderate, consistent use causes neurogenesis in your brain where there are cannabinoid receptors (which is literally every part of your brain, some more populated with cannabinoid receptors than others.)

so if you want to take a break, don't think of it like cannabis is doing you no good, damaging your brain . . . you were using it wrongly . . now you need to take a break to break that habitual cycle so you can use it in the right way.


Well-Known Member
eh, I believe that's your own mental habitual cycle, you're probably using cannabis wrongly to get yourself into that cycle.

cannabis is not bad for your brain in any way, in fact, it IS doing your brain favors . . . . moderate, consistent use causes neurogenesis in your brain where there are cannabinoid receptors (which is literally every part of your brain, some more populated with cannabinoid receptors than others.)

so if you want to take a break, don't think of it like cannabis is doing you no good, damaging your brain . . . you were using it wrongly . . now you need to take a break to break that habitual cycle so you can use it in the right way.
back on topic please.


Well-Known Member
how isn't that on topic? it's based around going without . . . .

but I guess I'm done with this thread as my lungs are good enough again that I can blaze . . . *unsubscribed*

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
eh, I believe that's your own mental habitual cycle, you're probably using cannabis wrongly to get yourself into that cycle.
What do you mean by that? A weak spliff every night before bed to get me to sleep is "using it wrongly"? I don't get it...I've only ever done it before bed really coz I usually can't be arsed with the whole having to move around and think about doing stuff whilst stoned


Well-Known Member
bumping this up, I am sober as a bird. Praying for my check tomorrow so I can go to the dispensary.


Well-Known Member
i feel you i havent smoked since i finshed the last of the afgan haze my boy grew so i been drinking till i can get some more
Knew an 84 year old lady that I'd help her with her computer every so often. She knew I smoked, and although she would'nt her self. She loved for me to smoke around her. The more the better. Think it made her feel young or something. After awhile she'd start talking about things in her past , things that I don't think you folks wouldn't particular want to hear. But until her stroke, she was one of the kindness, loving indiviuals I'd every met. Some of the most memorial moments of my life and I miss the talks about life we had. I don't smoke my ganji so much anymore. But if I did, I'd love to the be in the company of someone who really cared, like Hazal. God bless her, wherever she is !


Well-Known Member
bump...SOBER. ive been smoking my fake weed, but now i have to sober up for a bit...probably wont smoke weed for another month or so..fuckin probation! i hate this shit!