Bump If You're Baked!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Having a day on cheesey spliffs and colacola, up and down and in and out, I dunt know wether i want a shit or a haircut lol.


Well-Known Member
Bump! been smokin some high grade since 4;20 and all kind of crazy az stuff has been running through my head, man. I noticed that in Spanish 4 is quatro and 2 is dose and 0 is zedo, it almost sounds like gotcha dose setup. lmao.

yeah loke was a good screen name for me fer sure, cuz I'm im like loko-ish, like liquorice ahaha im baked az fk


Well-Known Member

im so fuckin baked outside my house in 98 degree temp and feelin soooo goood, im so out of it, i think heat makes highs higher but im all out here in the hot sun, feel like im in a really soft n hot womb man but it dont matter it isnt bad, im still chillin representin shade side biotchez porr vida loco! lolz