Bump If You're Baked!


Active Member
Lets say the Pot Prayer.

Pot is great, Pot is good let us thank hemp for our high.
By his plants we all are stoned give us Lord, our daily bowl.

oh and Bump

mr west

Well-Known Member
Fuck im trashed after a quiet day off the cheese yesterday im totaly wankerd on half a spliff thisafternoon


Well-Known Member

...The bubbler is treating me nice and I'm enjoying posting around the forums today. WOOSAH!
im right their witcha..bongsmiliebongsmilie bump bump.. the kids have been next door playin with their cousins.. they will be back at 6 but leve again for bible school.. so i get to be..:bigjoint::bigjoint:
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Well-Known Member
today is another day its sat. 4:28pm--8 min past 4:20 im really :eyesmoke: off my widow cuz iv been bongsmiliebongsmilie just about all day..hehe. bump bump bump..:peace:


Well-Known Member
BuMp, I'm bakin and bakin out here in my back yard once more dam retched sensitive nonsmokers! *sighs* It's like a fuckin hundred and five degrees out here right now man. :( but im too high to tell kinda you know. :) im inda shade under a fan so that kinda helps.

but dont try it at home folks, i would not recomend being in this kind of heat ever, i'm a trained toker. I've toked in rain, snow, fog, and now blazing heat. ;)

keep on bongin on