Bump If You're Baked!

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
lol idk if thats an insult or a compliment
but im soo fuckin high you could say i have a baby dick
it aint tru...
but it wont bother me..


Well-Known Member
bump + audiosurf = [/win] !!

Oh God, Audiosurf is the most genius game ever. Especially when you're high :D

Here's my story; my mom brought me some great quality bud yesterday. Just for one joint, but a rather big joint :D Well, just smoked half of it 5 minutes ago, and I'm here, high as hell, listening to some great music :)

Keep blazin', peace :leaf:


Active Member
Oh God, Audiosurf is the most genius game ever. Especially when you're high :D

Here's my story; my mom brought me some great quality bud yesterday. Just for one joint, but a rather big joint :D Well, just smoked half of it 5 minutes ago, and I'm here, high as hell, listening to some great music :)

Keep blazin', peace :leaf:
lol yeah, everytime my brother knows I'm high he forces me to play it with some new trippy ass music he's found just so I can play that and warp my mind... he da best lol


in ground or pots? if you have pics you should post some, i wanna see how theyre startin to bud

in the ground of corse there not starting to bud yet, and no i dont have any pics i could take some but im not gonna.... dont worry you know there in good hands :weed::weed: