

Well-Known Member
It means they want to move thier post back to the first page, as to keep the topic in front of everyone looking for answers.




Well-Known Member
It's an alternative to doing research. Dudes just post a message, and expect answers, keep it at the top and some sucker will do the work for them eventually and find their answer for them.

Like doing a google search for the word "bump" and any assoiciation it may have with message boards FOR HELL'S SAKE!!!

WTF, is RIU the new google or something?


It's an alternative to doing research. Dudes just post a message, and expect answers, keep it at the top and some sucker will do the work for them eventually and find their answer for them.

Like doing a google search for the word "bump" and any assoiciation it may have with message boards FOR HELL'S SAKE!!!

WTF, is RIU the new google or something?
wtf is your prob?
if it wasent for dudes posting questions there wouldnt be an RIU forum.


Well-Known Member
."..the only stupid arse/ass question is one that isn't voiced..."

But I can also see sandy's point for a lot of members

"Bump" ;)


Well-Known Member
Impatient bastards that want answers now, not tomorrow not the next day but right now.


Active Member
To be honest, if the post falls out of the first 2-3 pages, its probably lost for good, until you go "bump" it lol


i remember when.....i asked a silly question and was told to Google it, i did, but found RIU to be WAY more entertaining AND informative!!! i have learned 10 fold here of what i could have endlessly googling my silly questons. So Thankyou RIU Dudes, for being the BEST Googling force we silly peoples can have!!!!


Well-Known Member
wtf is your prob?
if it wasent for dudes posting questions there wouldnt be an RIU forum.
And you think that this justifies posting a random off topic question in the grow section that you could of easily answered for yourself with only a few seconds on a search engine?

My problem is there are those of us who really enjoy doing what we can to help those people who are willing to help themselves first, but before we can do that we have to sift through a bunch of threads posted by able persons who refuse to take the innitiative to help themselves first.

Thats what the fuck my problem is.


Active Member
There is no substitute for good "old fashioned" research.

Some, and when I say some I mean A LOT of people just google now, RIU is, or could very well be a FB of dedicated growers. Google is like a big funnel and RIU has a decent rep out there for a learning platform so it's only natural to just drop in and start asking questions, after all it is in included the top of most mj growing related searches.

It doesn't matter, age..well sort of.., sex..we're all having it,, or should be, race..we all have one..and it's human. BUt This is where we seperate, people differ, some are just not the research hounds they can be, maybe they never learned how to do their own research. MAYBE googling is all they know or have acces to?..or know? or maybe they are a really bored experienced grower trying to push your buttons. Maybe they cant get a good book. There are lot's of reasons, Either way you have a choice to respond or not., the old saying that there are no stupid questions just stupid answers does get it's test here.

We have all seen the Butthurt form?..but what about the Butthurt icon? For those with 3000 posts in a year that want to complain about nube questions? If "nuBe" questions bother you that much might I suggest to quit opening the Nube tab? I mean opening the same tab that pisses you off over and over cannot be good for you.

Really, though, This is a pretty cool forum and there are some really good growers on here. You will not hear the best bitchin about nube's, they will be the ones offering to help on any level.

Signed..B. Hurt

Oh..yeah. Bump