Burden Of Proof


Well-Known Member
That'd be a neat party trick if you could show ppl.
I can show you the boogey man with a sample of the hormones you released when you saw the boogey man in your head...

this is a FAct.., but pointless to the Point of the Thread...,

nobody can prove anything to you, especially if you take the literal meaning of everything said to be true, and only to your understanding...

Theist - God is Real to Me

Atheist - Ok show me his Hand when he throws a Lightining Bolt....:-?, :lol:

No that is not a spiritual insight.., that is a lack of spiritual insight trying to prove something that is physical/Tangible...

and if you had the balls to admit that you lack spiritual insight.., Then you have gained your first spiritual insight..:roll:

don't get mad at people who try to instill spiritual insights, It is your fault, because you have equally rights to your own spirit..., but you have relinquished your rights to something that doesn't exist...Matter, Therefore your Spirit doesn't exist...., as only you choose to think it...

NOw,,. Look - you all can just skip that overhead paragraph., because it deals with the nature of Spirit.., And lacks any proof.. Just thought I'll help out on NOt wasting your time Reading it


I'm still waiting on C*J and I to come together in Locked arms to take down these corporate establishments that exploit, and make sheep out of weak minded people, for the benefit of wealth.... They are going down..

C*J and Brazko United.. Wonder Twin Powers - Activate..

btw..C*J, your the Chic'.. I'm just saying...:lol:




Well-Known Member
Has no proof and yet posts it on "burden of proof" thread ... fail.
bwahahahahahaha, bwahahahahahaha.

didn't BAbs tell you, Your 1 liners are starting to Stink...

bwahahahahahahaha, bwahahahahahaha..

I'll let you in on another Secret..., I have relinquished the authority of your words to meaningless.., You recognize it, Just like everybody else reccognizes it....

bwahahahahahahahaha, bwahahahahahaha,

I Am Your GoD, C*J

Kneel before your Master


Now, I'm bored with you again...:roll:,

Your GOd has to go Pee PEe now...



Well-Known Member
Still waiting on substantiation of the scientist claim.
What field of study is the degree in?

Does anyone else get the feeling this is Mauihund posting under a new nick? Uses the same pseudo-philosophical garbage like his "atheism cannot exist if 'God' is not real" tripe.


Well-Known Member
Of course you could also be a prolific Poe spamming nonsense to show that spirituality and religion are the worthless contemplation of intangibles.

If so, you are doing a fantastic job, and are very Poe-worthy :)


New Member
The closest Brazko has ever gotten to saliency is in recognizing my post was only one line. It was of course 100% accurate, but that part he missed... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Religion is like an abusive relationship.

It uses fear to keep you in line, but tells you that it's really just intense love.

"I love you baby, but sometimes I just get so angry and I have to hurt someone."

"God loves you, but sometimes you make him angry and he tortures you for eternity."

The best thing to do in an abusive relationship is get the hell out of it.


New Member
Someday, man will look back and be horrified by his religious ancestors. We are still very primitive and superstitious creatures.


Well-Known Member
If that's how you view god Brazko, golden. We need more figurative spirit warriors like that, but the fact is people aren't like that, and you aren't from what you've been saying, than again though, from what you've said, in contrast, you could also be like that. You never had a solid stance or a seemingly honest opinion in this thread.
good luck to it though.


Well-Known Member
The closest Brazko has ever gotten to saliency is in recognizing my post was only one line. It was of course 100% accurate, but that part he missed... :wink:
I know you missin all the - FAAAAAAAME!! But along with celebrity comes bout seventy shots to your brain

You a - LAAAAAAAAME!!! - Had a spark when you started but now you just garbage, Fell from top 10 to not mentioned at All

But I know, the sun don't shine, the sun don't Shine...

That's why your - LAAAAAAAAAME!! - career come to an end, there is only so long a fake thug can pretend

So yeah, I sampled your voice, you was using it Wrong, You made it a hot Line, I made it a Hot Song

I know who I Paid God, Searchlite Publishing, use your - BRAAAAAAAAIN!!!

You said you've been in this for twelve (80,000 post/elite), I been in it for five (100 posts/me), Smarten up Guy - That's like one hot Post every 6,666 post average..., I can divide

And that's so - LAAAAAAAAME!! - Switch up your flow, your shit is garbage, but you try and kick knowledge..?

(GTF!! outta here) You people gonna learn to respect the King..., don't be the next contestant on the Jerry Springer show ,

because you know who (who) did you know what (what), with you know who (yeah) but let's just keep that between me and You for now!! <<<<(that was vague)

A wise man once told me not to argue with fools., cause people from a distance can't tell who is who, Stop the Childish shit..,
C*J I'm Grown
Please leave it alone, don't throw rocks at the Throne,
Don't bark up that Tree, or that tree will fall on You.., I don't know why your advisors didn't forewarn YOu, Please, Not "B", he's not for Play, - I don't slack for a minute, all that BS rappin and gimmicks, I will end it, all that Yappin will be finished...,

You are not deep, you made your bed now sleep., don't make me expose to them folks that don't know you, Me, I know you well, all stolen *Jew-els (*knowledge), Twinkletoes you breakin my heart

You can't fuck wit me - go Play, I'm busy, - And all you other CAts throwin shots at Braz - you only get half a sentence - F*%k you Beeootches..:lol:

C*J, that was Jay Z^^^^^ - not Me

p.s. Your God STill Loves You :hug: <<< That's Me ;-)


Well-Known Member
If that's how you view god Brazko, golden. We need more figurative spirit warriors like that, but the fact is people aren't like that, and you aren't from what you've been saying, than again though, from what you've said, in contrast, you could also be like that. You never had a solid stance or a seemingly honest opinion in this thread.
good luck to it though.
NOpe, people aren't like that.., Religious or Not..

My stance is as Solid as the Ground I stand On.. My Opinion has always been honest!! I Am not here to Please your Opinion, Good luck on trying to get others to do the SAme...,



Well-Known Member
Someday, man will look back and be horrified by his religious ancestors. We are still very primitive and superstitious creatures.
Even religious people are horrified by their religious ancestors who worshipped the same god and lived by the same rules.

Then they just attribute it to being a "different time back then" and not to the church having significantly more political power.


Well-Known Member
If religion and spirituality get their own section, shouldn't atheism, rationalism, and education have a section?


Well-Known Member
Proof is everywhere! You first need to understand what God is to find proof. That is something that needs to come from you.
so essentially your saying that because something inside of you tells you there is a god it is considered proof? there is no proof of a God. not to get into some theological arguement but IMO it;s just a story to explain what at the time could not be reasoned. People took religion to the extreme and now more often than not it harms rather than helping.


New Member
Exactly Smokey ... just a story by primitives trying to figure out their environment without the benefit of science.

We don't need to pound our clothes with rocks any more, we have the washing machine... tyvm.