Burned Seedlings :(


Well-Known Member
So my story is, I've been trying to grow some ak48, master kush, SLH and PPP but all seem to burning heavily after the first first true set of leaves.

I tried 3 different soil brands ranging from 6.0 to 7.0 ph. Water is always ph'ed to 6.5 before watering and also for germination. For light I am using 3 cfl's 6500k placed 2-3 inches away from top of plands, (1) 85w and (2) 55w true wattage with fan blowing between pots and lights. Humidity is always around 60-65 RH and the temperature ranges from 19-23 C. lights are on for 24h.

In total I planted about 15 seeds (not at the same time) and all seem to be suffering the same illness even dough I tried different potting soils and also gave a try to jiffy pellets.

The symptoms are, first start yellowing from the veins, then fading over all and after that curling and browning from the edges until all white and crisp, growth is slowed and eventually stops.

I haven't noticed any insects or pesticides. Also I water when soil seems to dry out usually after 4-6 days.

What is really confusing me is that I already had 2 successful grows with the same set up and soil but now all seems to be going to waste :(

I would really appreciate and be happy if someone gives me opinions and suggestions to what I am doing wrong and what maybe is happening other then that I think I will be going to a hydro setup.

*sry don't have any pics till now, I will upload when i take photos.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
No I never use nutes before 3-4 weeks has passed. I got the MK and ak48 seeds from nirvana, the SLH from attitude and the PPP from my last grow had a little hermy problem and gave me a few seeds.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like your soil is too hot. Only a few strains are capable of starting in hot soil. The ones you tried must not. Try starting them in a plain peat moss with just a little perlite. Thats what I do and only bad seeds dont come up. And dont feed until about 10 days old.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean plain peat moss ? i use normal potting soil bought from a nursery and then add perlite to it. Which is better peat moss and sphagnum moss ?


Well-Known Member
what do you mean plain peat moss ? i use normal potting soil bought from a nursery and then add perlite to it. Which is better peat moss and sphagnum moss ?
Its the same thing. Sphagnum Peat moss. I buy the plain Pro-mix Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, not BX or HP from Home Depot. Just use something that dont have any nutes already in it.