Burning or Killing Seedlings

Thanks so much everyone. I have wondered about overwatering. That's got to be it. Sounds like 666 and farmer12 are suggesting maybe 2 cups of water per one-gallon pot at most. The lower leaves yellow and start to brown and it's just moving up the plants. I'll back off the amount of water I give them. Think I'll toss these and just start over and TRY to use my growing skills better.
Shouldnt have to try. Just treat them the same as any veg annual you have grown in the past. And just as a side note. Over watering is caused by watering too frequently. Not by giving them too much water when they are ready to be watered. Good luck with your grow...
u need to start. Keeping things more simple since u having all this problems, try this. Go to walmart and get any small bag of starting potting mix, also buy a small bag of perlite, mix the seed starting potting soil with the perlite, place your new mixed soil in a small party cup, germinate ur seed and after she germinate, with your finger make a hole in the middle around 1. Inch deep, place your seed, and cover with soil lightly dont compress the soil too much, water a little until soil get wet but not too damp, oh remember to make 4 draining holes at bottom of party cup before watering, after that just place her under a couple of cfls of 23 watts daylight spectrum of 6500k around 2-3 inches from the top of the party cup, after that just leave the lights on 24 hours a day, then just keep the soil moist but not damp wet, water a little with room temperature water every time soil dries up but dont wait until bone dry, repeat this watering schedule and keep the lights 24 hours on, and as the plant grows keep the lights always at 2-3 inches away from tops of seedlings, after 2 or 3 weeks should be seeing roots coming out through drain holes, at this point u want to transplant into a bigger pot, get yourself a 5 gallon pot make 4 drain holes in the bottom and a bunch of smaller ones, get yourself a large bag of seed starting potting mix and mixed with a large bag of perlite, also get some epson salt also at walmart, and also get some dolomite lime, put 5 scoops of epson salt and 5 scoops of dolomite lime into your seed starting potting mix mixed with the perlite, mix all together really well and after that saturate your new soil in the 5 gallon pot, then let it drain really good and open a hole in the middle. The size of the party cup, turn carefully your party cup upside down and place the seedling with the soil in the hole that you made in the 5gal pot, after that just fill up the sides of the hole u made and top dress nicely press a little around the top of soil and around the stem, softly dont compact it to hard and after that, get urself some vegetation nutrient of a npk ratio of 30\10\10 r close to that. Diluate at the recommended dose of 1\4 strength and water until u get some run off, and vuala. After that u should. Be good like for 14 days or 21 days after that 21 days water slightly. Every 7 days or when u see soil getting to dry at this point u want to have around 6x 23 watts cfls daylight spectrum of 6500k around 2-3 inches of the tops of the plant. let me know if this works for you. U should not get into any problems if u do it the exact way i have told you!! it works for me every time. So it should work for u. I dont use no magic. Lol. Good luck!!!
I do germinate in seedling starter in Dixie cups. I seem to have good luck with germinating, knock on wood. But I like your tip on putting germinated seedlings under 23w CFLs. I put them under fluro lights but they seem to get too leggy within just one week. I think 2-3 inches under CFLs would help so I don't have to pot up for several weeks. Good tips!
For this current grow that I included pictures of, I only used 1 T. of Happy Frog All Purpose fertilizer per one-gallon container. I only use RO water with NO added fertilizer in the water. The dry fertilizer in soil mix is supposed to last for at least a month without adding any additional fertilizer when watering. The seedlings have been in this soil with no added fertilizer for 3 weeks now. WTH?
also dont put dry fertilizer in soil keep it simple since the soils you using already have fertilizers in it just use no nutrients soil so u always know how much u adding that way u won't create a too hot environment, and lock out of nutrients, dont overwater, and keep lights always at 2-3 inches from tops you can use fluorescent lights just keep them also at 2-3 inches from tops. I see your problems are too much nutrients in soil plus u adding more making it too hot of a soil,your light distance, and your watering schedule, fix these 3 things with the advice u recived here and you should be ok. Good luck!!!
Can I ask why ppl suggest cal/mag so early when a plant really only needs it later in the blooming phase? Or most plants in general for that matter?

edit: Not being a dick, just genuinely curious for my own experience.
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Actually n/m. I think everything is needed at any age, just by how much is really determined by size/age and the stage the plant is in.
Just the major demands for cal/mg will prob come later on but will most likely still require it regardless in some amounts in any stage/age of development.

Sorry, stoner overthinking things
For one I wouldn't be adding any nutes to such young plants, I personally think you are burning them with the dry fertiliser.
I start my gals with plain black topsoil. They really don't get a feed for 6 to 8 weeks except for a mild seaweed drench when I transplant, they really shouldn't get anything until they are well and truly into vegetative stage in my opinion. Going from black topsoil to my soil mix at 6 weeks is plenty ( I mix my own soil)
I personally think your soil is too hot and its damaging your plants. I start with 1/4 strength and dial it up every feed till the plant starts showing signs of N toxicity
And dial back to previous feeding dose.
It works because it's simple, keep it simple! and those premix soils +adding dry fertiliser is bad news me thinks.
I'll go with advice here. Here's my plan for my next grow: I'll pot up germinated seeds into Dixie cups w/drain holes with Promix and perlite for better drainage only for approximately 2-3 weeks and put under fluro lights 2-3 inches. This will be my seedlings stage. For veg stage when I move to grow cabinet w/LEDs and pot up to one-gallon containers, I'll use Promix and perlite only and will wait until lowest leaves (the cotyledons) start to yellow before adding Big Bloom (I'll start at 1/8 strength to be safe and increase dosage, only fertilizing every other watering), back off the water to about 2-3 cups per one-gallon container instead of 4-6 cups and try for drying out pots in 2-3 days instead of 7 days, and keep LED lights in cabinet at least 12 inches from tops of plants.

On another forum, they are telling me my input ph is too high and I should shoot for 5.8-6.0 in Promix only. I was using input ph of 6.3 and runoff ph was 6.7 and they were saying as pots dry out, that the ph could swing up higher than 7.0. Sound about right to you experts?
I'll go with advice here. Here's my plan for my next grow: I'll pot up germinated seeds into Dixie cups w/drain holes with Promix and perlite for better drainage only for approximately 2-3 weeks and put under fluro lights 2-3 inches. This will be my seedlings stage. For veg stage when I move to grow cabinet w/LEDs and pot up to one-gallon containers, I'll use Promix and perlite only and will wait until lowest leaves (the cotyledons) start to yellow before adding Big Bloom (I'll start at 1/8 strength to be safe and increase dosage, only fertilizing every other watering), back off the water to about 2-3 cups per one-gallon container instead of 4-6 cups and try for drying out pots in 2-3 days instead of 7 days, and keep LED lights in cabinet at least 12 inches from tops of plants.

On another forum, they are telling me my input ph is too high and I should shoot for 5.8-6.0 in Promix only. I was using input ph of 6.3 and runoff ph was 6.7 and they were saying as pots dry out, that the ph could swing up higher than 7.0. Sound about right to you experts?
only thing dont use big bloom in veg, use it flowering stage, for veg use grow big
I'll go with advice here. Here's my plan for my next grow: I'll pot up germinated seeds into Dixie cups w/drain holes with Promix and perlite for better drainage only for approximately 2-3 weeks and put under fluro lights 2-3 inches. This will be my seedlings stage. For veg stage when I move to grow cabinet w/LEDs and pot up to one-gallon containers, I'll use Promix and perlite only and will wait until lowest leaves (the cotyledons) start to yellow before adding Big Bloom (I'll start at 1/8 strength to be safe and increase dosage, only fertilizing every other watering), back off the water to about 2-3 cups per one-gallon container instead of 4-6 cups and try for drying out pots in 2-3 days instead of 7 days, and keep LED lights in cabinet at least 12 inches from tops of plants.

On another forum, they are telling me my input ph is too high and I should shoot for 5.8-6.0 in Promix only. I was using input ph of 6.3 and runoff ph was 6.7 and they were saying as pots dry out, that the ph could swing up higher than 7.0. Sound about right to you experts?
im not an expert, but its true as pot dry up ph go up
I started my seeds in roots organic soil didn't have any problems all did good

Same here, love roots organic. Built my own SUperSoil getting all the ammendments together and mixing and wating 40 days was a bit of a pian but well worth the wait, no PHing, no nutes, no worries just add water. As a matter of fact I'm doing a banana peel tea w/molasses right now for my next feeding, week 5 of flower for me and have not had any issues and I'm on my first grow.

Same here, love roots organic. Built my own SUperSoil getting all the ammendments together and mixing and wating 40 days was a bit of a pian but well worth the wait, no PHing, no nutes, no worries just add water. As a matter of fact I'm doing a banana peel tea w/molasses right now for my next feeding, week 5 of flower for me and have not had any issues and I'm on my first grow.

way to go
I'm guessing that those leds are way too close to the seedlings. They can get 'sun'burnt even if the light is not hot to the touch.

Start them off 24" away, and bring them closer by an inch a day until you get to 12-16".