Burnt bud!


Well-Known Member
I have an AK-48 plant 19 days into flower and I have the timer set for 9am - 9pm. Well, the lights came on at 9 and I did not wake up till 1pm and the plant had grown into the light (roughly 3 inches). Well it just so happens that it has a nice little bud on it and the top of the bud burned as well as the surrounding leaves. There is still a lot of green on the leaves and bud, so my question is, do I cut of that little bud or do I continue to let it grow (if it will) and see what happens?
Cut it, leaving it on there can lead to grey mold issues since the bud will keep growing around the dead part. If the bud is large enough you can just cut out the burnt part and use a q=tip with rubbing alcohol(or hydrogen peroxide) on it to touch up the open vein.


dont worry unless its real bad but since it still has green left on the leafs it will recover in do time