burnt leaf tips


Well-Known Member
looks more like a N deficiency to me, I have the same problem and it is not uncommon during flowering for your plants to be a Lil N def.


Active Member
photo2.jpganyone know what this problem is and how i can fix it?????? photo1.jpg 6th week flowering, this showed up 2 weeks ago. Fox Farm nutes and soil---started molasses last week, 1/2 tblsp per gallon, and began gravity this week at 1/4 tsp per gallon with the molasses. Both have trace elements as this looks like overfertilization but i have no clue. overall the buds look healthy, and the leaves around the bud is healthy, but the water leaves are brittle and spotty. Please help, guidance, this is my first project. 2 plants, bagseed---veg for 6 weeks under T5, moved to HPS for flowering. One plant is perfect, no flaws or leaf deterioation, the other, is this one. Please help if you can. Ph is normal at 6.5, but since i don't know the strain, i assume 6.5 is normal.


Active Member
i got the same thing but im 1/2 way into flower. im pretty sure its nute burn or the beginning of it. so u should take it easy on the ferts.


Active Member
thanks. That is what i thought, i will flush the one with straight water a couple of days see if she comes back to life. Wish i knew what bag this came from, lanky like a sativa, but leaves like a indica---


Active Member
no tcas, ur's is spider mites i think or calcium deficiency, they look the same. the original poster is nute burn