Bush gets shoes thrown at him


Well-Known Member
LOL omg if anyone out there can find it on utube try to look for Pres Bush getting shoes thrown at him in a press conference ,Some Iranian news reporter threw his shoes at him in the conference lol The pres dodges pretty dam good lol.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I think it shows what Iraq really thinks about us.

Here's a link to the video:

actually since it was 1 guy, i would say it shows what 1 guy thinks of bush.. i love how 1 guy does something and he = the whole world.. wtf you serious? smoke some more.. lol ...

i could go on and on about your logic and how flawed that is. that is the kind of thinking that perpetuates racism and pretty much all stereotypes. 1 white guy steals something so that means all white guys are thieves? i don't think so. .. it's just so flawed i don't know where to begin. i'ma just leave it at that, because anyone with intelligence knows that 1 bad apple DOESN'T spoil the whole bunch

Big P

Well-Known Member
in response to the shoe throwing bush said:

"All I can report is a size ten."

no joke thats what he said lol

i bet Bush wishes he could have swaved with that guy lol, it looked like bush even thought it was funny lol

was the guy who threw it iranian?

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol just watched the video on repeat lol man bush dodged that thing like crazy lol

I love George W Bush

what a good soildier


Well-Known Member
actually since it was 1 guy, i would say it shows what 1 guy thinks of bush.. i love how 1 guy does something and he = the whole world.. wtf you serious? smoke some more.. lol ...

i could go on and on about your logic and how flawed that is. that is the kind of thinking that perpetuates racism and pretty much all stereotypes. 1 white guy steals something so that means all white guys are thieves? i don't think so. .. it's just so flawed i don't know where to begin. i'ma just leave it at that, because anyone with intelligence knows that 1 bad apple DOESN'T spoil the whole bunch
You're right they love bush over there. :spew:


New Member
The guy had pretty good aim, if Bush hadn't of ducked, he'd of been clobbered. I think getting hit may have actually helped him. What were those secret servicemen doing to him, he was screaming? I wonder if they tasered him?