BUSH MASTER nutrients


i cant find Humboldt's famous Bush Master Nute, no one selling on amazon.com

does anyone know anything similar to this nute, ive heard of Fox farm "big bud" , is that any similar

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
if i remember correctly, bush master is used to control vertical growth. you have a stretcher, apply b.m. and all vertical growth just stops... use sparingly.


if i remember correctly, bush master is used to control vertical growth. you have a stretcher, apply b.m. and all vertical growth just stops... use sparingly.
i though bush master bushes up your plant and creates big nugs,

i am looking for a nute that enlarges bud nugs, or what soil or fertilizer do i use?


Well-Known Member
i though bush master bushes up your plant and creates big nugs,

i am looking for a nute that enlarges bud nugs, or what soil or fertilizer do i use?
Then you need a Bud Weight Gainer.
Gravity Does that Humbolt makes it.
Here is a Link http://www.ebay.com/itm/Gravity-4-oz-Flower-Hardener-Emerald-Triangle-Humboldt-Countys-Own-/151240251310?pt=US_Hydroponics&hash=item23369f17ae

There not making Bush Master any More because of some possible cancer causing stuff in it.
The shit worked good.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Active Member
they stoped making gravity as well and now have a new product called g10. they was a lot of debate on the bushmaster and gravity about the carcinogens. But besides that gravity worked great.


New Member
general hydro bushload it is 4000 ppm vs 516 for gravity
and around 250 for bushmaster so dose accordingly about 1/8th the dose
its all really just re-bottled Bonsai.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i do remember reading somewhere a few years ago that once applied it either, can't be/or is difficult to get it out of your medium. and shouldn't be used in coco at all...


New Member
I find pk boosters a waste of time. I guess if your buying
nutes desighned intenionally low in P an k you must keep spending.


a pk booster in week 5 of flower is a good supp. to use. there's a lot of others too.

like what pk boaster should i use?

right now i am growing AUTOS , is it worth to invest some cash in some nute like "Humboldt g10?

right now the only nutes i have is "bud blood" (which someone told me to use only the 1st week of flowering) and "snow storm"

i also have a nute juice that is to be used for cactus plants but its high in "phosphate" 7% and "soluble potash"7%

should i just feed the autos the cactus plus "plant food"?

cause if i order g10 from Humboldt its gonna take a while to ship and by the time it arrives it will be too late to feed!

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
^^^i know nothing about autos, but they could prob. benefit from it.^^^ i've grown with/w/o a pk booster, and noticed a considerable difference using it. in a good way, lol....


Well-Known Member
so should get a g10 humboldt nute? what do you recommend?
I would trust "Humbolt" They make some good supplements.

The "Snow Storm" Humbolt makes is really good for increasing trichromes. I use that stuff all the time, with great results.

General Hydroponics makes some cheap trusted nutrients, and supplements. I used the Kool Bloom, it's a flower booster.
stuff works pretty good.

IMO- try and get sample packs. there good for one grow or so, there cheap. You can try a few of them, and see what one you like the best.