Bush Master wtf is this shit really?


Active Member
OK i used Bushmaster on my latest grow, and I did it in a very unconventional way. I had 8 very mature very well manicured momma i decided to flower. After some planning I decided to make a new room in my attic, but it has a 78 inch ceiling. So anyway height was an immediate concern and I was kind of stuck becuz i really needed a place to put these bitches in a hurry as i had misjudged some clones and really needed the table space in my veg room.

To make a long story shorter, after talking to several people i decided to try the product Bushmaster from Humboldt. Ok first of all the label is vague as hell! They really never tell you what the fuck this shit does! Only some recommendations for application, and even that is vague as fuck, and they are like " try different shit" Kind of made me laugh alittle, cuz the shit is 100 bucks a bottle! So i applied foliar the first couple days, and then on a flush day I put some in the res ( drip table) Also i used it at about 1/2 strength.

Well as for stopping stretch? Holy shit it stopped it in it's tracks! I put some Cali Big Buds in 12/12 at 29 inches tall 16 days ago. I applied Bushmaster at day3 of flower! I'm in flower now folks, this is something I probably shouldnt be doing, or so I thought. The plants are now at teir tallest spots 34 inches. They look awesome, they look healthy as fuck. I do notice a lot more leaf production than I'd normally see at this stage, but nothing toop wierd. BUT 5 INCHES OF STRETCH AT DAY 16? Thats crazy talk right? What really freaks me out too is that some people say this shit will make your girls finish faster? i do know that my initial flower sets were 2 days ahead of where they were in the last 4 grows of the same genetics. 2 days is alot at this stage, and i have to repeat i applied this shit in 12/12 which means it worked FAST as hell.

i wonder what other people think about this product? Also what do other people use it for? It seems slightly enigmatic in the growing community, although some people told that is does grant teh fabled "early harvest" but at the expense of THC.

Let hear some response?

edit- I noticed BM has a ton of kelp in it, what else do you guys use with kelp, and again, why?



Well-Known Member
I barely started using this product...on my third grow with it....it works great if used correctly....I use the foliar method now......had some trouble the first time,burnt my gurls up a bit.....so i decided to go foliar,everything looking good now.I also use purple maxx snowstorm...which is the shit...and gravity.


Active Member
I barely started using this product...on my third grow with it....it works great if used correctly....I use the foliar method now......had some trouble the first time,burnt my gurls up a bit.....so i decided to go foliar,everything looking good now.I also use purple maxx snowstorm...which is the shit...and gravity.

dude? OMG man you didnt say what you use it for, or what it does for your grow!!! Thats what I want to know man! So please post again!!


Well-Known Member
I JUST put the shit in my res. tonight when I put my plant into flower. I'm in the exact same boat, I was gone from my plant for about 2 of its 3 months and now I have to try to flower this monster. I have herd this is the shit to stop strech and your post just made my night cause I been freaking out thinking I'm gonna have to chop this thing up. I'm going to start a journal and I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I added 2ml per gal to my tank im going to run that for 3 days then wait a few days and foiler spay them also. only thing im worried about burn cause up till tonight she was runnning on water for a few weeks before tonight (I was away), and another twist I have it in the res with 1/2 strength nutes (says to use with only water). My fingers are crossed. You have any pics?


Active Member
I JUST put the shit in my res. tonight when I put my plant into flower. I'm in the exact same boat, I was gone from my plant for about 2 of its 3 months and now I have to try to flower this monster. I have herd this is the shit to stop strech and your post just made my night cause I been freaking out thinking I'm gonna have to chop this thing up. I'm going to start a journal and I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I added 2ml per gal to my tank im going to run that for 3 days then wait a few days and foiler spay them also. only thing im worried about burn cause up till tonight she was runnning on water for a few weeks before tonight (I was away), and another twist I have it in the res with 1/2 strength nutes (says to use with only water). My fingers are crossed. You have any pics?
yeah I'll put them up tommorrow, when lights comeback on.

I used 5ml a gallon foliar spraying for three nights right at lights off. When I had 3 three days left on my res i put in another 2.5 per gallon for regular feeding. It definetly almost stopped all vert growth.

Incudentally you would never need to chop them. Believe it or not snapping them over ( but never snapping them off) works fine, the buds still grow in pretty much like normal. Tying them over or down works too. Never think you have to cut plants that are in flower, there are always ways around it.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Well thanks for the information. And yea im going to have to end up tying it down for sure. I was just a little worried this stuff wouldnt live up to all the talk. I went into flower today. she is about 4"10 from the base of the bucket and i have maybe 2 feet to work with. There are some pics of the ol girl. moved her to the back room for more space (she was in the closet). This is my first grow by the way, I think I can still pull it off.



Active Member
do you think maybe they started earlier and stretched less because they were such established mothers?

i'm just thinking that comparing your mothers to your normally vegged out clones might not be the best way to judge a products effectiveness


Active Member
BM is not mysterious. They figure if u do use it or want to use it, u will do some frigin research. BM is for initiation of flower/bud set. Bm is used for stopping all veg/vertical growth. Bm is also used to help shortin a flowering cycle (1-2 weeks). Useing BM will reduce the amout of resin on the buds from what Ive seen when useing. Bm does strees out your plants and also makes them look ugly sometimes. Depends on breed though. BM is ver very strong and should always be used first at 1/4 to 1/2 strength. Ive never tryed a foliar, I will try it though upon more research. As far as whats in it, Ive read and heard some diffrent types of kelp. If u really want to know, just email the maker.


Active Member
Its made to halt vertical growth and this shit is ridicoulous!! works great!! your plant will start to bush out side wayz...


Well-Known Member
dude? OMG man you didnt say what you use it for, or what it does for your grow!!! Thats what I want to know man! So please post again!!
Well bushmaster I use for the stretch....I have enough vertical space ........just like to keep em compact(internodes)....so the lower half can get better light penetration and bigger looking buds... Purple Maxx Snowstorm sometimes causes color change and always makes your nugs frost up real nice...it's frik n awesome...anybody that uses it correctly will be more than satisfied...Gravity is a flower hardner which makes buds nice and dense,which adds a little weight(always nice)....they are expensive but last a very long time and you save on nutes........I know I sound like a salesman but I really like these products..I wouldn't grow without them..


Active Member
I read in a high times article a week ago about a medical grow warehouse.
They use bushmaster at regular strength 2 times at the onset of flowering, some main colas were up to 5 times the size of the untreated plants colas.


Active Member
thanks, and i did do some research before I put it on, but the product labeling IS VAGUE period. Anyway I can recommened it for vert control. My Cali BB's were 24 inches tall and right now at day 26 they are 31-33. Thats amazing. They look decent too.

One thing is though, i got a lot of leaf growth, and now that I'm in 12/12 and slowly lowering my N (I don't give a shit what Uncle Ben says) they still look great, but there are a couple ugly places, and a few leaves that are fading for no apparent reason. I think I just got too much leaf for the N supply? Oh well they look good.


Well-Known Member
see if this helps you out GOOD LUCK

Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: the galaxy
Posts: 230

correct way to use Bush master,gravity,purpple maxx.

i wrote an email to the guys that make this stuff and they told me that this is the correct way to use their stuff.

this is the actual email i recived

There have been reports that the products can burn under some
conditions. With the BushMaster and Gravity we have found that over the
last 4 years or so, the strains that people are usually growing are now more
sensitive than the strains that were popular 4 years ago. We have recently
changed the dose on BushMaster to 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. If that doesn't
work then perhaps one more dose of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon can be added a
week later. A newer method reported to us is the use of 4 ml. per gallon,
allowing it to sit for about 6 hours and then thoroughly washing it out.
Some of the best results ever obtained have been with this method.
Sometimes, though, it's not the plants or the product but simply that people
are going hog wild with their nutrients. Most of the time, if there's a
problem it's because of over fertilizing. If you think you've been over
doing it, simply water well with just plain water a couple of days before
applying BushMaster and apply it with water only. When used one of the
above ways there should never be a problem with watering.
With Gravity, we now recommend 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for 2-4
consecutive waterings although it almost always works well with 2 doses.

Again, 99% of the time the problem is heavy over-fertilizing during bloom.
With Purple Maxx, it states on the label that it causes a sudden uptake
of nutrients when applied so definitely cut back the nutes. If you are
using it the last 2 weeks, a lot of people hardly use nutes at all, just the
Maxx. If you are using it through out bloom you can easily cut back and use
about 2/3 of the recommended fertilizer dose and the plants will still
We have outdoor growers who run their nutrients at about 500 ppm in a
drip systems with 2 ml. of Purple Maxx per gallon and do it all summer and
get way better results than using heavy fertilizer with out the Maxx.
Light intensity does have something to do with the burning when it
occurs. That's why we recommend raising the lights when using Gravity.
Using a 400 Watt light gives you a better margin for safety than a 1000W.
The above info should get you on the right path. These products are all
very potent compared to a lot of the swill on the market and they really
work. We sell huge amounts of these products in our store. If they didn't
do what they're supposed to do someone would have shot me or burned down my
store by now!
