!!!!Bush Set Up 911!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm paying $3.29 a gallon for regular unleaded nowadays....now...how has our war lowered the price of gas? :confused:
We cant bitch about gas sorry raising gas prices is gonna happen..Other courtys pay more or the same price per liter not even a gallon..Gas prices we got it good american people are just cheap bastards. But we are the shit.


Well-Known Member
check prices in europe and compare
You know, I have always wondered why it is that way for Europeans. I remember back in the late 70s when my family was first transferred overseas, Germany, we used to recieve gas coupons to help us buy our gas because the prices were so much higher even then, even though the dollar was stronger than the D-mark at the time. So the fact that they pay more for gas than we do in the States is not a new thing. They've been paying more for fuel than we have for decades....:joint:


Well-Known Member
i know the select 300 families are protected to some extent, but i dont see why some crazy bastards(maybe x special opps ppl) dont take these international banksters out, or whoever is needed! they assassinate people all the time! i think some crazy bastards should start taking them out!! or at least try :D

anyone have any ideas on preventing world domination by these :spew:"elites"?


Well-Known Member
Sick! I got to the 2 min mark. I don't think thats the proper way of remembering the "jumpers" It just pisses me off that the government would let somethng like that happen it's that extreme that my focus went past the "jumpers".


Well-Known Member
Sick! I got to the 2 min mark. I don't think thats the proper way of remembering the "jumpers" It just pisses me off that the government would let somethng like that happen it's that extreme that my focus went past the "jumpers".
i wonder how the people that organized 911 would think about their selves after watching a clip like that.

also i dont believe it was all of the government- a lot of political people despise bush and know about the corruption.


New Member
i wonder how the people that organized 911 would think about their selves after watching a clip like that.

also i dont believe it was all of the government- a lot of political people despise bush and know about the corruption.
Most of them aren't thinking anything at this point. But, when they were still alive, and during their last moments on earth, they were thinking things like this: "In the name of Allah, is that a Cobra helicopter coming over the horizon? Is that a rocket coming my way? Praise Allah ... 72 virgins, here I come!" Then, nothing but blackness and the fires of Hell forever after.



Well-Known Member
Most of them aren't thinking anything at this point. But, when they were still alive, and during their last moments on earth, they were thinking things like this: "In the name of Allah, is that a Cobra helicopter coming over the horizon? Is that a rocket coming my way? Praise Allah ... 72 virgins, here I come!" Then, nothing but blackness and the fires of Hell forever after.


your definitely a conservative republican- or as med would say, :spew:repuke.

watch the movies in my signature than tell me what you think about the subject. or, maybe you have watched them and are too "conservative" to change your views on the matter. either way, good luck with all your endeavors my friend :D

i love you :mrgreen:


Master of Mayhem
I doubt that the Isralies that flew those plains into those towers were praising Allah...:roll:

The people who did organize the whole thing are probably thinking "That was the best business decision we've ever made!".


New Member
"lmao your definitely a conservative republican-or as med would say"

You're listening to Med? How odd is that? :roll:

I'll state it again ... The only Republican I've voted for over the past 20 years is Tom McClintock, a California state politician ... and, at heart, he's a closet Libertarian. Contrary to your thought, I've been registered with the Libertarian Party for over 20 years now. And again ... I did not vote for Bush either time he ran, nor did I vote for Bush 41.

And, Erniedytn ... would you please explain how destroying tens of billions in U.S. assets is a "good business decision?" thanks ...



Master of Mayhem
And, Erniedytn ... would you please explain how destroying tens of billions in U.S. assets is a "good business decision?" thanks
Well considering the millions that were made on the American Airlines stock put options that were placed days before the attack, the millions they're making on Iraqi oil and the oil pipeline running through Afghanistan, and the millions made by Haliburton producing war machines to fight the "terrorists", I'd say that was a pretty damn good business decision.


New Member
"lmao your definitely a conservative republican-or as med would say"

You're listening to Med? How odd is that? :roll:

I'll state it again ... The only Republican I've voted for over the past 20 years is Tom McClintock, a California state politician ... and, at heart, he's a closet Libertarian. Contrary to your thought, I've been registered with the Libertarian Party for over 20 years now. And again ... I did not vote for Bush either time he ran, nor did I vote for Bush 41.

And, Erniedytn ... would you please explain how destroying tens of billions in U.S. assets is a "good business decision?" thanks ...

So after all your blowhard assertions, you don't vote. How pathetic. You my little "friend", don't deserve a voice on a political forum.


Well-Known Member
The only people that buy into this crap is brainwashed 17-20yo pot smokers they take single bits of info and twist it all up not of that bullshit is fact is just paranoide bullshit that young stoners love to believe coz it sends there little brain cells racing mad
the tought thing about this world is that fact is useually stranger than fiction and that being said one would be fataly nieve to believe that they have a complete unclouded grasp on what is happening behind the cloak of government...a bill via GEORGE BUSH is actually in the works of the usa being able to eavesdrop on any phone conversations that are deemed a national security threat my question is who is the one determining this and how many innocent phones calls were listened to before we catch one shoe bomber.


Well-Known Member
Sick! I got to the 2 min mark.
I made it to the 3min mark. Hard to watch while you are high, I'm sure just as hard sober. We need to refocus on getting the two head guys who caused this instead of causing more unrest in the region. The first Iraqi war put us on a path to 9/11. Let's hope, after the second war, we can get back on to a new road that will lead us to :peace:.
