Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

because your a flatlander haha,u got to be half billy goat up this way be safe larry hard to put a price on freedom
I've been real slow to go to any of my patches. They are flowering though, so I did sneak in and kill some males. Will be glad when this season is over. I have enough smoke from last season and the spring crop to last me the year, but I'm not going to just let them fill up with Who's your Daddy seeds if I don't have to. Plus GM sent me some juice, and I wanted to give them a taste of that.
I spent the weekend in the mountains here in Colorado with friends from another board. It was glorious!

I need to fucking get out more.
The mountains are so cool. When I used to go out there as a kid, we spent a lot of time in the mountains around Boulder and Longmont. I've never been up north where you are. Sister has done 12 over 12. Or is it 14 over 14? She has about a month left to work, then she is going to spend most of her first year of retirement out in Denver. She was looking for all her old mountaineering gear, and either sold it back in '02 when she moved from Co Springs, or it got lost in the flood.
I did a couple of days on the trail this week. The last few times I have got really lazy. I would blue blaze {20 minutes} to my campsite, set up the tent, off load most of my gear then slack pack for a couple three hours. Often ending up back at the picnic area after dark for a bath out of a spigot. Also had the option of a real bathroom as well as electricity. This time I picked the furthest campsite, so I had to go with a full pack about five miles with lots of PUDS. Pack weight was at 26.5 pounds, with 2 liters of water.
Anyway, this trip I stayed at the far away camp, left late afternoon when it was 95F at the trail head. Took 2 liters of water, had to treat creek water after they were gone. Which was by 4 miles into the 5 mile hike to camp. Also have a 1.5 liter Evernew bladder that I use to camel up at the end of the day. A little creek with pretty good flow half mile from camp, so not too far to carry the extra weight.

Got into camp at 1900. Went to fetch my stash and pitched the tent. It's been a while since I had been to this spot, so I couldn't remember what my stash and bowl situation was. Turned out it was 1 1/2 papers, and some kind of damp weed. I had brought in some Maison de volailles Le cerf mangeait, Vacances au coeur#2. {and something else that I can't remember, so how can I translate?}
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Fearing that it would be hard to burn, I rolled a really big one from 4-5 different strains. I laid out a fire in the fire pit and lit up. It was hard to burn, so I really had to work at it. I must have taken 10 or 12 big hits, one right behind the other, just to keep it going. It went out anyway, so I decided to go ahead and start supper. That is about when the head rushes started. It's been a long time since I was so high I needed to lay down for a while. But that is what I did. Stayed in the tent about an hour. Was 2200 when I lit the fire and cooked my supper. 0200 before I got any sleep. But I did smoke some more after supper. {note to self, take some kind of bowl to that campsite}
The mountains are so cool. When I used to go out there as a kid, we spent a lot of time in the mountains around Boulder and Longmont. I've never been up north where you are. Sister has done 12 over 12. Or is it 14 over 14? She has about a month left to work, then she is going to spend most of her first year of retirement out in Denver. She was looking for all her old mountaineering gear, and either sold it back in '02 when she moved from Co Springs, or it got lost in the flood.
Just an excuse to get all new gear!
Late yesterday afternoon we had a dry thunderstorm. Lots of lightning and thunder, but no rain. It had been so hot I was waiting to walk, so I had to go if I was going to. As I was leaving the wife showed me where a hiker had taken a picture as he was being stuck by lightning. lol The picture was pretty cool looking. A column of fire. His shoes and most of his clothes were burned, but he lived.

Anyway, I headed out with a liter of water and my headlamp in a daypack about an hour before dark. Went down by my cousin's land where an old pear tree marks my great great grandfather's homestead. I picked about a dozen pears for weight {and snacks}, then went down to the back side of the property where a one room house that was built by my cousin's great grandfather has been moved in recently. It was still looking like rain at this point, and I wanted to be near some sort of shelter if it did open up on me. I have an old porch swing on blocks out behind the house, so i can have trail safety discussions with myself in comfort. Sitting there I decided to walk down to the river. I went the back way through the woods to my longleaf pines, where a fox squirrel tried to drop a pine cone on my head. Or maybe he was just letting me know he was there. I stayed and talked with him a minute or two, but I still had a ways to go to get to the river.
I crossed out of my longleafs into my cousin's pines. We have been hearing a four wheeler poking along real slow after dark, and thought it might have been in this area. It did cross our minds he might be growing in the area, so I did a quick search without seeing any signs of trails. It's a half mile from the road down to the river. Half of it has a good three trail road the cousins use regularly with their golf carts and what not. The other half is head high weeds. I talked to any creepy crawly things as I was walking, telling them to move out of the way. It must have worked, I didn't step on any of them.