BUSHMASTER?? 3rd Week of Flowering?? Need to slow vertical growth...

OK, so I'm on my first hydro grow. It's going super well. Actually, a little too well. I got lots of buds started and every day they get bigger. BUT, everyday these ladies grow 4-5 inches vertically. I'm in the middle 19 days into flowering with at least 5 more weeks to go. I've been LSTing, but now I can't get to the ones in the back of the closet because there is so much growth. I'm really at a loss for what to do.

BUSHMASTER? I've read good things, but don't know if I can order it and add it to the res now that flowering is already in full effect. Can someone tell me if this is possible?



Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to use it after the first 2 weeks of flower, but you may be ok, I wouldn't want any of that stuff in my smoke, though.


Active Member
It will stop vertical growth you can use til week 6 you must flush a week at least. It's harder to find since now it's only for ornamentals?
Yea I did. It's too late for that now. Guess I just gotta try to keep raising the light and trying to find a creative way to keep tying these fuggers down a little, force a little horizontal action.