Bushy Ass Bagseed...


Active Member
Little grow box with 3 plants... all bagseed but lookin nice... First Lady sprouted on 11-12-10 and plants C and B sprouted on the 21st....

--- Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil
---4 23watt 6500k, 1 23watt 3500k, 1 42watt 2700k
---no nutes yet...




Active Member
Nice bushy plant looks good. I love CFL grows. How long you gonna veg?
Honestly I'm not sure yet... I'm gonna let them grow till i dont have enough room in the box,then I'll move them into the closet with a nice 2700k set up with some milar...

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
You sound like a really good grower on a really good start!
And you also sound like my freind that works with the Forestry Department, LOL.
Plants looking good and healthy man.
Welcome to RIU also :)


Active Member
You sound like a really good grower on a really good start!
And you also sound like my freind that works with the Forestry Department, LOL.
Plants looking good and healthy man.
Welcome to RIU also :)
Thanks for the welcome! I'm really enjoying the process, and the learning!!! I started small and cheap to see how it would go, but if all goes well with this grow, I'll order some good strain seeds and move to the closet for more room so I can LST the crap out of a plant...

The reason First Lady is so bushy is because I tied her over for about five days and she sprang all the new groth .. then I let her stand back up for the last week, I'm gonna tie her over again today for another week...


Sativas are typically long slender leaves and indicas are shorter fatter "fingers" on the leaves. Hard to tell sometimes with all of the crosses of genetics some are both.


Well-Known Member
indica's have a more "broad leaf" they also tend to stay low where as the sativa strain's have finger like leaves and are generally taller.


Active Member
UPDATE: started nutes last night... FF grow big...

first 2 are "First Lady" and the plant B and then C...


Active Member
todays picture update....
Girls are looking good in my opinion.... What do yall think RIU? They are smellin really citrus-ie! 0ne monthe from sprout for First Lady, and almost 3 weeks for the seedlings... started nutes on all this last week... F.F. Grow Big ... and theyre liking it from the looks..
