Bushy Plant less yield??


Well-Known Member
my neighbor said if the plant is too bushy the buds are smaller and the yield is less? I thought the more bushy the more bud the more yield this is for outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
i would say in general that is not true, but truly it is dependent on an incredible amount of factors. lights, nutes, soil, temps, phenotype, humidity, the list goes on.

above all else, my guess is phenotype plays the biggest role in yield of a bushy plant versus a tall plant (of the same strain).

allen bud

Active Member
I have to agree with king,a more setiva strain will do better like SOG method or lolli poping and a more indica(skunks and stuff) can grow good with LSTing and topping and such....


Well-Known Member
i think volume will be about the same its kinda pre determined by a thing called genetics

if you go to the ice cream store with x amount to spen and you have a choice to get a pint of venella or two half pints for same amount which is more humm i know one will be more packaging but not more content

my thery is that the plant only has x to spend and can spend it on one cola or three will equal same amont just my thery im only at this one year im sure true answer can be looked up or we can get some of the moore experienced growers to bring their knowledge and egos

peace im out
1 love


Well-Known Member
thanks for all your replys most of my plants are indicas. I have this one plant the roots are crazy no matter how much soil i add on it the roots grow out on top and also the lower leaves on this plant will they grow out or will it stay the same and should I remove it?



Well-Known Member
the lower leaves may, and probably, will not grow farther out. mine didnt and ive got a few that are heavy on the sativa side, so i am thinking that is a general trait of the cannabis plant (though once again, all it takes is a genetic difference to make something like that happen, even if it isnt common).

as for the roots, thats crazy, its like its trying to grow into a big walnut tree lol


Well-Known Member
the lower leaves may, and probably, will not grow farther out. mine didnt and ive got a few that are heavy on the sativa side, so i am thinking that is a general trait of the cannabis plant (though once again, all it takes is a genetic difference to make something like that happen, even if it isnt common).

as for the roots, thats crazy, its like its trying to grow into a big walnut tree lol

I wouldn't mind. lol

allen bud

Active Member
yea walnuts!lol...I have same problems with roots but not a problem,as you do,i just push a little soil around them..as for bottom leaves,when you get to budding this beuty you going to want to get rid of lowwer third of leaves and colas seeing they wont produce much and will take away from topps..happy growing ,and it looks like it is ready to bud now!


Well-Known Member
I have grown clones out in popsicle style, and as bushes. My opinion is popsicles make for better yields for two reasons. One is, as mentioned, the plant can apply all of its vigor to the main cola, producing in most cases a damn nice bud! The second reason is, you can grow more plants in a smaller space and you wont have much if any popcorn. Thats what I think anyway based on what I've seen.