Busted 4 days after 420


Well-Known Member
if i knew where larry lived i wound stone his windows key his car man what a faggot of a person, sorry man, my next cone will be devoted to losing another fellow stoner


Well-Known Member
larry has no windows or even a car.. or even car windows... you would in essence have to stone his eyes and key his legs... but thats all good too....


Well-Known Member
If you ask me this world has gone to hell, this world is fucked up, like over here some stupid old bitch got santa clue's HOHO baned, we can not say HOHO marry x-mas in our malls and stuff like how fucked up is that ?


Well-Known Member
hella funny. :mrgreen:

glad you approve... i was raised on that type of music so i'm the filler in the generation gap... you are actually almost as old as my gf and she is about 15 yrs older than me... give or take a few... dont wanna hint her real age on here cause she would kill me!!!!


Well-Known Member
judging by larrys hair and beard, anything that requires anything is a nuisance that should be left to its own devices.....

that being said.... shamegame or whoevers avatars have left me in a puddle of piss the past few days!!!!

swallowing hairspray... stolen brushes..... shamegame's avatar = my new lord and saviour....


Active Member
where im from a guy like larry got two choices, off a bridge or concrete shoes. or mabey mix it up allittle and do both at same time.


Well-Known Member
larry is a dick for even insinuating someone who grows for personal cant raise a child and saying that something that requires attention is a nuisance when he has about 2 hours of brushing to take the naps out of his chin whiskers... nevermind his hair as it MIGHT have been a windy day... but whatever "friend" (and i use that term as loose as a drunken cheerleader at a frat party) turned him in deserves all of the hostility first and foremost.... larry may have a perfectly good reason to be a detriment to society but a rat is a rat and should be exterminated.... snitches dont even need stitches where i'm from... they just need a good mortician to make them look "natural"



Well-Known Member
They didn't catch them soon enough, as far as I'm concerned," said Larry Brigham, a neighbor.
They have no business having a baby if they're going to grow plants like that," said Brigham. "That's kinda irresponsible."
The idea that anybody would grow this stuff... it's a nuisance, it's a real nuisance," said Brigham. "Because you gotta look after the plant."

its like hes never ever set a toe outta line, he should just shut up


Well-Known Member
Other neighbors who spoke with Action News off camera, said good things about the couple. They said they didn't notice any traffic at the house. One woman even said Reynolds took care of her lawn without her asking.
No one else had a bad thing to say about them,


Active Member
fdd2blk, i guess i need to read more before i go wacking people. i hate it when i wack the wrong people and find out later that it realy wasnt the right person. good thing that only happend once.