Busted One Plant Canada


Well-Known Member
Hey all. the other day i was out at the mall, and cops showed up to my house. they pressured my brother to let them inside to look because they had a report that i was growing pot. my sister let them inside to look becasue she got pressured into letting them in. they didnt even have a warrent and she let them in :( it was my plant, and she told in hesitation when they found it. just wondering what kind of charge am i looking at? it was just one plant, i have no prior arrests or anything, and the pot was for personal use only, as im sure is pretty clear seeing as it was just one plant.

anyways, any idea what kind of charge will be held against me?
thanks guys


Well-Known Member
was the owner of the home there if some randome person said come on in than they did not have a warrent and they did not have the owners permission i would guess that this would be a prying point if they do lock you up... illegal entry brotha


Well-Known Member
unfortunately my sister owns the place. i still just cant figure out why she didnt just tell them to get a warrent. kinda sucks.


Well-Known Member
might i also add, things were going absolutely great untill the other day my sister had the cable guy over. i wasnt aware that he was coming so i wasnt at home and didnt think anything of covering up the plant (it was just insdide a rubermaid container with another oone upside down on top. things have gone so smoothly for the last 6 months, it seems just WAY too much of a coincidence that the cable guy comes and runs new cables right by the grow box, and the cops are at the door two days later to bust me for my one pot plant in the most ghetto setup ever :P


Well-Known Member
Okay, what province are you in?
This will have significant bearing on your defense. (No, I'm not a lawyer, just a geek.)

Ontario has precedence of the courts saying the pot laws are not enforceable, so since you're not a big grow op, it's not worth it for them if you challenge it.

Letting the cops in was a bad move. They didn't have a warrant to enter, and unless the plant was in sight of the door or another law was being broken in plain sight, they did not have a valid reason to enter.

*When police show up at your door, be cordial and step outside to talk to them.*

I've been told separately by both a cop and a corrections officer that it's bad news to let them into your house, because there are lots of stupid laws on the books that can have you technically breaking the law, so once they're in and see something that meets the criteria, it's like inviting in vampires. You're stuck with guests that suck.

Also, you say it happened the other day, right? And they took the plant?
Nobody stayed around to talk to you? There's no paper trail?

You may have just contributed to Officer's Bob's stash.
just a note never open the door for police, talk THROUGH the screen if not yell through the door or window. and make sure all entrys are locked.. "*When police show up at your door, be cordial and step outside to talk to them.*" nice thought, but they will not have the same curtosy.. so just a heads up NEVER OPEN DOOR FOR police


Well-Known Member
morgentaler, i am from alberta. it was also the rcmp that took it, as i am located in a small town. yeah i totaly knew my rights and that she never shoulda let the cops in, but they threatened to charge my sister because she was the homeowner and call her boss, etc. so she gave up in fear "hoping" they would take it and it be done.

so basically when i got back out there, i went down to talk to the officer. and he was reading me a page that said if i was convicted, it was a felony (not sure what its called here tho).

unfortunately i knew what he was gonna say. he wants me to flip and rat someon out for an OUNCE or more and then "everything will go away". like this was the reason why i grew my own pot anyways, because i dont really have connections, and dont like going out to buy from a dealer. he said he can delay the charges for 6 months, if im willing to co-operate. but what im wondering, is with NO priror record at all, if i just go to court over this, what kind of charge am i looking at? im not a criminal, and ive never been charged with anything before. like.... it was one plant. like fuckk

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
morgentaler, i am from alberta. it was also the rcmp that took it, as i am located in a small town. yeah i totaly knew my rights and that she never shoulda let the cops in, but they threatened to charge my sister because she was the homeowner and call her boss, etc. so she gave up in fear "hoping" they would take it and it be done.

so basically when i got back out there, i went down to talk to the officer. and he was reading me a page that said if i was convicted, it was a felony (not sure what its called here tho).

unfortunately i knew what he was gonna say. he wants me to flip and rat someon out for an OUNCE or more and then "everything will go away". like this was the reason why i grew my own pot anyways, because i dont really have connections, and dont like going out to buy from a dealer. he said he can delay the charges for 6 months, if im willing to co-operate. but what im wondering, is with NO priror record at all, if i just go to court over this, what kind of charge am i looking at? im not a criminal, and ive never been charged with anything before. like.... it was one plant. like fuckk
how did they find out about 1 planT??? someone say some shit?? wtf/?


Well-Known Member
no man, i went out at like 7am, and my sister had called the cable guy to come
over to install a new receiver in the house for that day. she didn't tell me anything
before i left. cable guy comes in, goes downstairs to work, sees the plant. must have
called crime stoppers so he received his hundred bucks from the cops :P

it was TWO days after the cable guy was here when the cops showed up to the door,
saying "we KNOW there are plants in the house"

like ive done 4 other flushes in the exact same setup with NO problems ever.


Active Member
You need to take the charge man. Canada's pretty tolerant with weed (i think). You won't go prison! Don't be tempted to grass up anyone. I f*cking hate police tactics like that. Maybe in future you should only grow in a house of someone who is focused and knows the score when the cable guy comes around.

Hope you make the right choice and everything works out for you.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for Marijuana case law in Alberta. Haven't really found much that would apply to you yet.

They're definitely more strict than Ontario though.

This guy got a year's probation for smoking a joint can carrying 10 grams.

Marijuana law should be changed?

Posted By Alexandra Pope

Posted 15 days ago

A Beaumont man who pleaded guilty to a charge of simple marijuana possession at provincial court in Leduc Sept. 17 ended up debating the drug law with the judge when it came time for his sentencing.
Derrik Kato, 21, was arrested after Beaumont RCMP spotted him rolling a joint in a park. Kato also had 10 grams of marijuana in his pocket.
Federal Crown prosecutor John Lee said Kato had already completed the alternative measures program for a previous drug charge but suggested, along with defense council, that a conditional discharge might be appropriate so that the conviction wouldn’t show up on his record.
Judge N. Mackie asked Kato if he had any intention of giving up the drug; Kato said no.
“I disagree with the law and believe it should be changed,” he said. “I would be lying to you if I said I would quit.”
Mackie said people have been expecting marijuana to be legalized since the 1970s, but added whether Kato agrees with the law or not is beside the point.
“There are ways to change the laws, but to use that excuse as a justification for not abiding by the law is foolhardy in your case,” he said.
Mackie pointed out that with a drug conviction on his criminal record, Kato could be denied entry to the United States and other countries with stringent drug laws, which would limit his career and travel opportunities.
He also said if Kato were to continue using marijuana and was caught in breach of his conditional discharge, he would probably go to prison.
Mackie then asked Kato again if he would be willing to stop using marijuana according to the terms of a conditional discharge. Kato agreed.
“It doesn’t mean you have to change your beliefs,” Mackie said.
Kato was sentenced to a $50 fine and a one-year term of probation with conditions not to use illegal, non-prescribed drugs.
“(That) leaves you an option — you can always go get a prescription from a doctor,” Mackie said.
“I don’t feel like developing glaucoma just yet,” Kato said as he exited the courtroom.


Well-Known Member
One thing I would suggest is that you contact the University of Alberta's legal faculty.
You might be able to get a law student to track down information that can help you.

You could also try contacting the Marijuana party, although they don't appear to have a branch office in Alberta.


Well-Known Member
here is my story, i hope it helps. so 2 years ago due to a back injury i was addicted to pain medication (oxycontin) and one day i got arrested with half a pill. i got taken to jail and i was told the same thing!!!! that i would have to rat someone out. i told them that i couldn't do that, seeing as how i really didn't want to ruin someones life, when i would probably get some bull shit charge. anyways oxy in the states without a script is a felony crime!! so i went to court a couple weeks later thinking oh my god i am going to jail, cause like you i had no previous arrests or anything what so ever. so i went to court and usually with small amounts of drugs, even felony crimes, as long as its small, they basically just tell you to go home and they could send you a letter in the next 3 years that could summon you to court to be charged. now this is all in the states of course, but my point is, do you think that the court is going to charge you right away and throw the book at you when they have rape, murder, HUGE CROPS of cannabis, crack, cocaine, heroin and whatever else you can think of in a large scale? probably not... now that isnt saying that its impossible, because it isnt.... if i were you i would try to obtain my medical cannabis license. it may not help.. but who knows.. or start going to Alcoholics Anonomys meetings. now that one sounds stupid, because marijuana is a great plant and fuck anyone who says different, but when i was doing pain killers i went to some AA meetings and there were a few people there who had gotten arrested with hard drugs and because they went to AA after they got arrested, the court never charged them with anything. no joke. my opinion is that you will most likely get away with this. this is your first offense and they should recognize that. and remember i am not a lawyer i was just giving my opinion and telling a story. good luck man, you will be alright!
sucks to hear that man!! the cable guy snitched you out for sure, what a bastard.

how far along was she??

and for a single plant grow, i think youll get a slap on the wrist. but if it hits your record you wont be able to go states side!!! then youll have to apply for the I-94 waiver

damn cops and there bargaining skills....we will look the other way, if you point us in the right direction!!!
last time a cop asked me where i got my stash i told them i found it on the street. the lady told me, do you expect me to believe that bags of marijuanna fall from the sky??

i replied, no i expect you to believe i found a bag of marijuanna on the street :)