Busted please help


New Member
Sorry this is my first post but needs to be done other forums no help!!!

I have been busted with 38 cannabis plants autos on Saturday I was under pressure from a fan to grow to

I have been busted with 38 cannabis plants autos on Saturday I was under pressure from a fan to grow to settle a debt. They were 5 weeks or so of I thinking and had about 28g wet on at the time.

The group had taken my tv out my home
And intimidated me and my family especially my mother

I owed money from been caught in 2010 for intent to supply class I did 21 months. Which I know bad idea but this is only previous.... No more!! Please forgive me for mentioning it...

What is the Chance of losing my house? (Riverside) they are now sawing a notice of seek of possesion.
To evict me..

But I want just long enough say 2 1/2 months to get another rattled off before i do lose my house.

What am I looking at? I'm thinking 2years Any lower bonus...

No scales no phones no lists...settle a debt.

What is the Chance of losing my house? (Riverside) As I was told I shouldn't until proven guilty??

Now they are saying that they have said they are going to send out a seek of notice possesion so how long does an eviction take? I understand that they are going to court to evict me
Also Around 6 month-12?

Because I'm
Wanting to do another 12 planter just ready for before i go away.

What am I looking at? I'm thinking 2years Any lower bonus...

No scales no phones no lists...

Thank you to you all

Happy growing!!!


Active Member
if u own the house try to lease it out, use the prceeds to rent a new home under someone elses name and get more autos !! jk


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you hooked up with the wrong crowd at some point! Sorry to hear that.

Were you the fall guy for the group in 2010???? Did the others get time also?? I would say that if you were the fall guy then the debt is paid and they are being dick's!!!!

Sounds like you have some work to do and growing isn't one of them! You need to focus on the legal aspect and not the illegal aspect of the situation!

Best of luck to you!!!


very sorry to hear this shit man. You need to get a good lawyer asap. Dont post anything else on this forum, get legal advise right away.


Well-Known Member
What the F !
I stoned right now and a bit confused.
Can't follow your post. Could Please get the Decoder?

Get a Lawyer


Well-Known Member
if you own your house paid off ? well its time to sell it to a friend for a dollar ! if you can trust him. I mean this Monday you need to have the sale final. sell it . can always buy it back later. and your looking at no more then 5 years. 99 plants and over 10 years. http://norml.org/laws/item/federal-penalties-2 if you higher a lawyer I don't care if you give him your house. its better then doing 5 years. a lawyer will be able to get a plee for less time,. or they might throw the book at you .


Well-Known Member
Sorry this is my first post but needs to be done other forums no help!!!

I have been busted with 38 cannabis plants autos on Saturday I was under pressure from a fan to grow to

I have been busted with 38 cannabis plants autos on Saturday I was under pressure from a fan to grow to settle a debt. They were 5 weeks or so of I thinking and had about 28g wet on at the time.

The group had taken my tv out my home
And intimidated me and my family especially my mother

I owed money from been caught in 2010 for intent to supply class I did 21 months. Which I know bad idea but this is only previous.... No more!! Please forgive me for mentioning it...

What is the Chance of losing my house? (Riverside) they are now sawing a notice of seek of possesion.
To evict me..

But I want just long enough say 2 1/2 months to get another rattled off before i do lose my house.

What am I looking at? I'm thinking 2years Any lower bonus...

No scales no phones no lists...settle a debt.

What is the Chance of losing my house? (Riverside) As I was told I shouldn't until proven guilty??

Now they are saying that they have said they are going to send out a seek of notice possesion so how long does an eviction take? I understand that they are going to court to evict me
Also Around 6 month-12?

Because I'm
Wanting to do another 12 planter just ready for before i go away.

What am I looking at? I'm thinking 2years Any lower bonus...

No scales no phones no lists...

Thank you to you all

Happy growing!!!
even the cursor couldn't find the end to above quote



Well-Known Member
In California. If you have been there for 2 years or more. They are required by law to give you a 60 day notice. Starting with a possession notice or a 3 day pay or quit. Less than 2 years its a 30 day notice. Check all paperwork. If they get one thing wrong , a date mispelled a word or name. You can file an injunction and they have to start over. You can even file an injuction with the courts before the notice is up. It will prolong the eviction another 3 months. In your case or might not work. But if you have a medical rec. You should be ok. Cali courts don't care about pot. Cops usually don't either. Definitely lawyer up. The fact you got busted for growing. You had to be ratted out. Check to see the warrant. Most cases like this are fought and won on search and seizure rights. Cops tend to illegally search and raid quite a bit. No one ever fights unless they have a lawyer. Probable cause, they actually have to see something obvious. Usually doesn't hold up in court. DO NOT USE A PUBLIC PRETENDER (DEFENEDER). !!!! Good luck.