

Well-Known Member
on MTV!

Has anyone seen the new "reality" show on MTV, Busted?

The other day they had this kid who was about to go off to college on a hockey scholarship and he and a friend got busted with a tiny ass bowl of pot.

All the while the poor kid is saying, "I can't get arrested, I'll lose my scholarship, this is going to ruin my whole life."

The cops basically just did their jobs instead of being their normal asshole selves so that comes off as them being "cool." But then they show their true colors by saying at the very end, "If it wasn't so busy tonight we'd have taken them both to jail."

The fact that they were so willing to ruin this kid's life over a tiny bowl of weed reminded me of that well worn quote by Pres. Jimmy Carter, "Penalties against drug use should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against the possession of marijuana in private for personal use."


Well-Known Member
this reminds of a show i saw on MTV awhile ago...

it was about all the laws n shit, and it had the guy who makes his prisoners wear pink, i think you guys know who that is, i just cant think of his name.

anyway, that same guy was talkin about marijuana, he says sumtin along the lines of "any reasonable cop wont charge a person for having a marijuana cigarette, and if they do i would smack em around" or sumtin like that...wish he was in my state lol.


Active Member
this reminds of a show i saw on MTV awhile ago...

it was about all the laws n shit, and it had the guy who makes his prisoners wear pink, i think you guys know who that is, i just cant think of his name.
A teacher told me once that there was as study that long exposure to pink can amp up peoples aggression/aggressiveness


Well-Known Member
Apparently some party around here got raided by that shows crew and some cops and a bunch of people got fucked with. No reason to really doubt it, I just think its funny that thats show-worthy now.


Well-Known Member
A teacher told me once that there was as study that long exposure to pink can amp up peoples aggression/aggressiveness
That is true. A short exposure can decrease aggression but prolonged exposure will cause the affect to reverse. It's only for a very specific shade though. The study also did test on blues and reds but I can't remember what they came up with. They did the study in a prison or a prison used the study's info, all I can remember about it is the crazy pink holding cell.



Well-Known Member
this reminds of a show i saw on MTV awhile ago...

it was about all the laws n shit, and it had the guy who makes his prisoners wear pink, i think you guys know who that is, i just cant think of his name.

anyway, that same guy was talkin about marijuana, he says sumtin along the lines of "any reasonable cop wont charge a person for having a marijuana cigarette, and if they do i would smack em around" or sumtin like that...wish he was in my state lol.
wasnt that prison in arizona? it had a "tent prison" also right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the guy is as crooked as they come. But he's got the county locked down so no one dares say anything to him for fear of being arrested on trumped up charges.

I can't find the reference now but I also read about how he's a war criminal.