

Well-Known Member
just to let yall know i got busted about 2 months ago and i just found out today it was eon the electric provider that grassed me up


Well-Known Member
sorry bout that busy working
i wasnt stealing power i was legit i was paying about £20 a week or so
when i got to court today they handed me the solicitors papers and it was on a sheet at the back saying that eon had contacted the police stating i had suspicious meter reading or something like that and they acted on it


Well-Known Member
Purely out of interest... how many plants did you have? were they budding? and what was your punishment? - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight-- you spend less than 100Pounds per month (I figure around 800 kwh), and that gets you pinched?

If I estimated correctly, that is close to the AVERAGE residential electical consumption in New England, USA.

At least one of the following must be true:

1) Your electricity comes much cheaper than I estimated
2) Americans are pigs, consuming quantities of electricity way beyond folks accross the pond (you'd blend just fine here)
3) Brits live in a virtual police state because the power company can trump up an excuse for a police search (not that diff from the US, actually)
4) Brits live in a virtual police state because police need no real reason to search a private home

I can't wait to find out what's true!


Well-Known Member
On his profile he said, (and I quote) "average yeild per plant dry 2oz in 60 days give or take a day and i plant 80 in the system at once so its around 160oz dry every 2 months "

What kinda lights you gotta be runnin for that shit? lol, wow..... You DESERVE to get cought for being such an idiot. If infact this is true. Though I find it VERY hard to believe!.. Just sayin

Pix or it's not true