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well my mom found my 2 week old seedlings. they were doing great. I learned my lesson not to grow out in the open. any suggestions on a grow box i have a book case that i could turn toward the wall would that work. please give me suggestions and ideas thanks


Well-Known Member
how old are you?!? first of all.. to save you and your family some grief man.. don't be growing cannabis inside your moms house kid. That's ignorant. If you ever got raided or busted.. you realize that not only could your parents go to jail with you.. but they could also have their property seized! Which includes their house; cars; any and all property inside the house; your computer; your television; etc...

Use your head kid..

I'm not trying to be a dickhead.. I'm just telling ya how it is man.

Heres a little tip for ya.. grow outdoors. If you have some well wooded area(s) that you know of.. that are way out in the country somewhere.. go there and plant your beans. But I wouldn't be growing in your mommas house.. ignorant idea kid. :|

sheeesh... *shakes head*

good luck either way..



Well-Known Member
i would just do out door if possible dont waste you time or seeds tying to hide your plants. If you cant hide seedlings you def cant hide a flowering plant. wait till you move out to grow indoor.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
There is no need for insults. Especially when the other posters were polite about it. And I have to agree with them. It's pretty low class to grow in your parents house when they could lose everything.


Well-Known Member
If you wanna be SMART about it. Talk to your parents about how it isnt so Taboo anymore. Show them Oaksterdam and Horicultural / botany school .. show them this Website.. I personally dont relate nor can I agree with PPL who "HIDE" and think its negative. Now, If your Paying mortgage off your OP, nuff'said. Different ball game. but for any small personal grow. :D MORE POWER TOO YOU.


Well-Known Member
We're assholes for trying to keep this guy and his parents out of trouble?
Where do you live that no one cares about a couple weed plants?
Growing is illegal and doing it in your parents house is just asking for trouble, yeah it might have worked for you but there is no guarentee that this guy wont take your advise and end up burning his house down.
You should really think of what your encouraging.
Growing weed is all fine and good when your old/responsible enough to take the fall for it, but to drag the people that raised you into it is just disrespectful in my opinion, but to each his own.


Well-Known Member
We're assholes for trying to keep this guy and his parents out of trouble?
Where do you live that no one cares about a couple weed plants?
Growing is illegal and doing it in your parents house is just asking for trouble, yeah it might have worked for you but there is no guarentee that this guy wont take your advise and end up burning his house down.
You should really think of what your encouraging.
Growing weed is all fine and good when your old/responsible enough to take the fall for it, but to drag the people that raised you into it is just disrespectful in my opinion, but to each his own.

I fully agree. +rep to you!


Well-Known Member
It is most definitely not okay if you are under age to be growing what is, in fact, an illegal substance in your parents house. I don't care how many people have done it before or how few plants there are. That's just stupid, inconsiderate, and disrespectful. I've been tokin' for a long time, and there ain't NOTHING wrong with that or growing it for your own pleasure, but I would never have grown in my parents home or on their property. It's just simple common sense and respect. And also, my father would have beat the ever living shit out of me. :)


Well-Known Member
how old are you?!? first of all.. to save you and your family some grief man.. don't be growing cannabis inside your moms house kid. That's ignorant. If you ever got raided or busted.. you realize that not only could your parents go to jail with you.. but they could also have their property seized! Which includes their house; cars; any and all property inside the house; your computer; your television; etc...

Use your head kid..

I'm not trying to be a dickhead.. I'm just telling ya how it is man.

Heres a little tip for ya.. grow outdoors. If you have some well wooded area(s) that you know of.. that are way out in the country somewhere.. go there and plant your beans. But I wouldn't be growing in your mommas house.. ignorant idea kid. :|

sheeesh... *shakes head*

good luck either way..

I can see you mean well but it is NOT your place to be so judgemental. Besides that you mention the extremes of the law like a government fed mass hysteria promoting sucker.

Me shakes my head!


Well-Known Member
Look at all the people on their pedestals, the mob throwing stones like inbreeds, he posted this thread not to be slated left right and centre. The fact is there are thousands of growers on RIU that breach the law, you gonna stone them too????????????????????


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well said, asafan.

And to the OP, this site membership is limited to only those who are old enough to grow.



Well-Known Member
REEEEBELLLLLLLL !!!!! REBEL !!!!!!! BURN YOUR PARENTS HOUSE DOWN. thatll show them not to fk with your plants
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