Butan extraction weirdness


I got a text from a buddy today letting me know that he had used the butane I got him for an extraction. But, he said he didn't get oil. H said he got something that he thinks has the street name shatter or crackle or something like that. He said that it was less mailable than oil, but easier to handle (not as sticky). weird

Does anyone know what he is talking about, or did he just make really thick honey oil. I have not seen it in person, and he was... medicated, so his descriptive skill were less than impressive.

Thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Sounds like "wax". When boiling off your butane after an extraction with some strains a chunk will form and stay there until the boil off is complete. Is this what your talking about?


That may have been what he was talking about, but from the way he described it I thought it might be a common thing. Again, I wasn't there. I was just hoping if it was a real thing someone would jump in and say "oh ya, thathappens top me every other tuesday and its called bla bla bla". I know what aerated honey oil looks like, so I will mention it to him as a possibility.


Well-Known Member
could be really thick resin, go to youtube and watch thc oil cures cancer. If he got something like that as an end result, thatd be awesome.

What does it look like>? color?


Well-Known Member
Was this right after he finished? The cooling from the butane boiling off can make the oil more solid and less sticky until it warms up, which can take a few hours. If it's still mostly solid today then something is weird. I don't know what it could be making it solid, it's just a mixture of waxes and oils. The waxes are barely solids if they're pure, the oils make the mixture a viscous liquid.


For anyone who still gives a damn:

I went over to his pad and smoked some. It was not like anything I had ever seen. It was the color of honey oil, but not translucent. It was solid, you could break it. It was only a little bit sticky; you could totally hold it in your fingers. It melted onto the bowl just like oil, it tasted jut like oil, and it was definitely as potent as oil. I have some oil made from the same strain (i get a lot of good genetics from this buddy) and it is liquid. It was oil, it just seemed like the plant resin had formed some sort of crystalline structure, almost like amber made from hash oil instead of tree sap.

It was weird, but totally good. Thanks for all the insight in the replies.


Well-Known Member
sounds like he boiled it off well and got a purged type bho you would normaly have to vac purge it


Active Member
sounds like stable amber glass. Or maybe earwax hash.

does it resemble anything in these pics? first two are earwax hash, the second 2 are amber glass.


New Member
Maybe it is BHO that has been frozen and crushed into powder-crystals, which tend to get amber/brown. Nice for sprinkeling on buds when smoking.


Active Member
A good clean pull will stay soft for years, literally. Under high humidity the oil starts to crunch up instead of being smooth and flowing. Once I cut a plant and put it directly in the hexane while still fresh, I got crackley crunch. Pieces would chip out of the bowl and fly many feet, but if held too long it would get sticky.

Low moisture extract from dried and trimmed bud is in the bowl. Mmmm good.

Hexane Oil.JPG

Room temperature extracts with butane on high moisture plant matter leave water contamination more often than not, giving a crystalline structure instead of oil.

My strain does this anyway.