butane hash oil??


Active Member
welp..i live in the ohio area and attended a hookahville in sep, every year their is what i guess you can call the weed of the year ( the most talked about) last year was strawberry cough, this year hash oil came into town. I took 1 hit of pure oil for the first time, no weed just the oil and boy did that fuck me up..i took a look on youtube to see how its made and i see a lot of people using butane to extract the weed..that doesnt sound safe to me at all..i understand you have to cook it a few times to get the butane out but still, i would like to find a simple and for sure safe way to make some hash oil

i have seen people using leaf and stems?? wth i would like to use pure bud.


Well-Known Member
There is still some debate about the health aspects of smoking butane extracted hash oil, residues still left in the oil etc. But you can also use isopropyl alcohol/acetone (easier to get hold of than you'd think, in the uk any way) which is cleaner easier and somewhat safer to do.


Active Member
sweet, i can get isopropyl all day ..i probably have about 3 or 4 bottles of it right now haha..3 bucks for a 32 fl oz bottle


Well-Known Member
My buddy makes this stuff all the time and tells me stems and leaves are ideal for oil. you obvi can use bud but he seems to like ther stems for some reason...If you use butane it cant have no additives. when your done the extraction you put the bowl with the oil and butane in another bowl with warm water and the butane will evapourate.


New Member
Use 91% iso dont get the 50% or70% because you end up with a lot of poisoned water mixed with the hash. After it evaporates you dump out the last 9% water. Less work, less time, better for your health. Trust me.


Well-Known Member
Not a fan of butane extraction, I know you cook off the butane but there has to be residue left behind and I don't want that crap in my body.


Well-Known Member
butane extracts are safe, if you wash it once with 100 dehydralized ethyl alcohol. Putting some of that into your BHO would cause it to become a liquid state and release any trapped butane remants that were in the viscous extract. Or you can get fancy and heat up your BHO and subject it to an extremely high vacuum, but who the fuck has that gear laying around the apartment ahaha. BHO was cool for me, I vaped atleast an ounce of my own BHO that was amber translucent, but now I am on Cannabis Butter. It's way fucking cooler , IMO, and no risk of blowing out the windows if you like doing lab in the house ; )
welp..i live in the ohio area and attended a hookahville in sep, every year their is what i guess you can call the weed of the year ( the most talked about) last year was strawberry cough, this year hash oil came into town. I took 1 hit of pure oil for the first time, no weed just the oil and boy did that fuck me up..i took a look on youtube to see how its made and i see a lot of people using butane to extract the weed..that doesnt sound safe to me at all..i understand you have to cook it a few times to get the butane out but still, i would like to find a simple and for sure safe way to make some hash oil

i have seen people using leaf and stems?? wth i would like to use pure bud.