I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, butane is a gas at room temp and a liquid when cooled below 31F or under pressure.
Butane can be used as a solvent to extract honey oil (hash oil) from bud. It's very simple but you have to be careful because butane is highly flammable and is fairly violent when it boils.
All you need to do is get a section of PVC pipe with a cap with a small hole at one end and open at the other. You put the bud/plant material in the tube and cover the open end with coffee filters (like 3 or 4) and fix them on the tube with rubber bands Make sure they are nice and tight.
Get an 8oz can of butane from a camping supply or a sporting goods store.
Get something to catch the butane when it comes out of the tube like a beaker or I used a mason jar.
If you can find a way to clamp the tube over the top of the mason jar, if not use gloves to hold the tube over the mason jar (the butane will come out of the can at below freezing so USE GLOVES!) with the coffee filters down and shoot the whole can of butane into the tube.
Let if finish draining into the mason jar then wait for the butane to finish boiling off.
Butane boils at 31F so as long as it's warmer than that outside it will completely boil off, all you have to do is let it sit there.
DO NOT PICK THE MASON JAR UP AND SHAKE OR SWIRL IT AROUND, IT WILL CAUSE THE BUTANE TO FLASH BOIL ON THE SIDES OF THE JAR AND SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU AND YOU'LL PROBABLY DROP IT! You might also get a bit of a freeze burn so just let it sit there until it's done on it's own it does not take long.
That's it. You'll be left with a nice golden honey oil but don't be surprised at just how little you get it's very concentrated. Toss the weed when you're done it's no good after doing this.
Good luck and BE CAREFUL!
why would you do it in a mason jar?
1) Grab a turkey baister out of your kitchen
2) Pack it full of your bud or shake
3) Tape or elastic 2 coffee filters on big end
4) Put butane nozle mount in small hole
5) Spray whole can - catch your oil in a pyrex container sitting in hot water
6) It'll boil off very fast, whip it with something when its cooking to get as much butane out as you can while its cooking
7) Once cooked down cover pyrex dish ( lasagna oven dish ) in saran wrap and poke a few holes in it

Put in freezer for 10-15 minutes
9) Smoke