" Butt Hash" Kids Inhaling Fermented!


Well-Known Member
I heard kids are doing bath salts and that theirs some kind of music that gets you high...crappy techno and they want to ban it...sounds like bullshit.

Green Inferno

Active Member
EWWY!!!! wtf i heard about this while listening to 102.1 the edge (toronto rock station) this morning so i did some research, WHAT IS WRONG WITH KIDS!!!!

What is Butt Hash?
The name Butt Hash might have given you a slight idea about what the drug exactly is. If you are still in the dark, Butt Hash or Jenkem is a homemade drug, created from fecal matter and urine. For making the drug, the fecal matter and urine is put in a bottle and its mouth is covered with a balloon. Then, the bottle is kept outside, in the sun, to let the contents ferment. As the contents ferment, they release a gas that is captured inside the balloon. This gas, known as Butt Hash or Jenkem, is inhaled by kids to get a high.

The Effects
It has been claimed that inhaling Butt Hash gives a high that is quite similar to the one had after having cocaine. After inhaling the gas, it takes around 10 seconds to get a high and the state lasts for a minimum of 20 minutes. Those who have inhaled it have said that usually, the user passes out immediately after inhaling Jenkem. He comes back to senses after a few seconds or minutes and goes into a hallucinogenic state. The feeling might last from a few minutes to a few days. To top it all, the inhalers have also reported having the taste of sewage in their mouth for a few days. If you ask me, Butt Hash is definitely not worth having . :wall:

http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/butt-hash-830.html link to site i found info on.
Just when you think you've heard everything.....
You hear about some kids brewing up some poo, to get high.....

I don't know what to say....


Pickle Queen
Ya beardo i heard the same thing on the news, they call it "bath salts" but not that it's some kind of synthetic drug, lots of kids are overdosing on that shit
Oh i saw the "wet pot" opisode on csi the other day, scary shit


Well-Known Member
bath salts? Like the salt you throw in a bath for a relaxing moment salt??????

Might as well ban pepsi and Mountain Dew. I love Mountain Dew But i can already see it in the works


Well-Known Member
The claim is probably accurate. Since inhaling what amounts to a large amount of condensed methane will give you a similar effect to that of cocaine. I have to imagine though it must smell and taste quite awful. I've licked a girls penny before, but she was ridiculously hot, but that's about as close to anal euphoria as I will ever get. Sucking in ass gas sounds like a lost bet to me.