Buy Seeds Discretely (best Way)


Well-Known Member
First off to be tottally discrete you will need to send the seeds to a friends adress (preferably a friend that you don't talk to much to minimize association in the event of trouble) or anywhere that you can get access to the mail. I have yet to look into getting a PO Box, but I would assume u would need to put an ID up atleast, so you would need access to someone elses ID that looks like you since the post office will check the shit out of that ID(if u got caught for using someones ID, u could be gone for a while).

Go to Walgreens (they may be sold elsewhere but I get them from Walgreens) and purchase a VISA gift card, pay with cash! They come in 25,50,100, and maybe $200 some places.
Don't buy a rechargable VISA, you have to register these under your SS#.
Now you are ready to place an order from your choice of seedbanks that accepts VISA.:hump:
You can use your card like a normal VISA, and it is completely UNTRACKABLE! Say you send them to your friends adress, let them sit there for a few days, Especially if you have plants growing, u wouldn't want to lead the officials right to your project!
Obviously, use a fake name on the order form, don't use your friends name or he cant claim that the seeds were sent to him by mistake!
You can also use this method with seedbanks that accept cash/MO's

Feel free to add tips that have worked for you more than once, only! Please do not ad an idea that you have or things that only worked once to prevent a fluke for you and someone else does it and gets busted. If you must add an idea, please make sure to specify it is only an idea. I'd hate for someone to get busted because someone thought they were on to something. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member

you cant just get any visa/mastercard gift card.

you must get the international ones. the ones that wont do the AVS security address check..... Because some seed bank payment systems will still do AVS checks ( i. e. seedboutique)


Well-Known Member
I was gunna send in cash for my first grow
cuz i dont have a Credit Card
is that ok?
I would only send cash if I knew for sure of someone who has done it before and was successfull. On the other hand, I guess if they wanted to rip you off they could just rip u off thru visa. If there is not a way u can obtain a Visa giftcard, and u really want the seeds, if no one has verified the site I would start with a small order and if it works, go for the glory! Also the post office will let u know they have confiscated a package from your mail if they figure out its seeds, so if the seedbank claims to tell you they sent the product and you don't recieve anything, they are lying! Stop doing business with them immediately.


Well-Known Member

you cant just get any visa/mastercard gift card.

you must get the international ones. the ones that wont do the AVS security address check..... Because some seed bank payment systems will still do AVS checks ( i. e. seedboutique)
Yes, I'm sorry I forgot to mention this, Thanks Loud. You will be able to tell if they are international or not very easily, just read the back of the cardboard that the card comes in


New Member
I always order in my name. If you are only getting a few seeds you will get a letter from customs IF you get caught. I have bought from 3-4 different seed banks and have never had a problem. I usually get 50 seeds at a time. It is good to take precautions though.
I just dont think sending them to a not talked to friend is a good idea. I dont tell ANYONE about my grow. I think its safer to ship them to yourself then tell someone, but thats just me!