buy white only


New Member
Fuck that! What, no good, down home BBQ? South Central L.A. ...Mr. Jim's BBQ ... where their motto is: "You needs no teef to eat our beef." :lol:



Well-Known Member
ROFL i love red eye they even make racism funny:) :peace: and remember to buy white LOL :joint: ever noticed that joints are white and blunts are black or dark brown? is that racist?


Well-Known Member
I have had brown joints many times....licorice papers....

As for the racism thing. I think affirmative action had its place but its slowly losing usefulness as younger generations do not feel the same way.(not in all cases by all means)

I just don't understand why its ok to have an all black college but an all white college would be gross racism

Or an exclusively black tv station with ONLY black people in the commercials even and in every other commercial its gross racism if they don't have a black person in the commercial.

I see racism from black people FAR MORE than I see racism from white people anymore


New Member
when the marketing folks make a commercial with black folks or white folks, I believe their only agenda is selling the product....


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why its ok to have an all black college but an all white college would be gross racism
They are called Historically black colleges, and the reason they were started was because black people couldn't go to college because white people would hang you if you tried so they had to start there own colleges. BTW if your white you can go to these historically black colleges ie FAMU, southern ect if you go to there campus you will see white students.

Know what your talking about before you cry racisism.


Well-Known Member
historically black colleges have less than 1% white students in most cases.
I do know what I am talking about

and like I said in my first post
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION HAD ITS PLACE. I fully understand why they were invented but times are changing and racism is shifting gears.
I am not saying racism towards black people is non existent I am saying Its ridiculous how Its perfectly ok for a black person to be racist but a black person can hate and avoid any race they want because they were oppressed horribly in the past.

Slavery has only not been a part of normal life for not even 300 years.
Before that Slavery was a common practice in pretty much every corner of the globe.
I bet if you went back far enough you can find the ancestors of pretty much any single race enslaved at one point. Or wiped out completely

Racism is losing steam as younger generations get older but it is also spreading.
The worst part is its socially acceptable for a minority to be racist but not a member of the majoirty?

The people in the video aren't helping put a stop to racism.....they are fueling it.
Now some redneck family is going to start doing the opposite because they saw some black people who thought of it first.......

You tell me why its ok for blacks to be racist and not whites?

It shouldn't be socially acceptable for ANYONE black, brown, red, green, white, blue, yellow, purple.


Well-Known Member
Yes, we need an all white channel on TV we could call it White Entertainment Television or WET. We could play white people music and make white chicks flap their asses at us!!


Well-Known Member
LOL ..... :clap:
what about the subsidy companies get to hire none white males for middle class jobs?

As you are from IL, you already know about the white firemen who won the huge law suit against the state.:clap::clap:

Streetwise, rainbow push, push for black only enterprises, not fair or free. Both get gov't subsidies.

This creates a backlash, it's the formula for most white racism today. (no doubt we have our hillbillies)

It's 2009 like black aint the hottest thing since slice bread with a 3 piece chicken dinner.


Active Member
You have all white networks there called CNBC, CNN CBS....etc, etc, whites usually choose not to go to historically black colleges, and for the most part whites hang wirth awhite and blacks hang with blacks, Are you a racist for going to white clubs and getting your haircut by a white barber? I think the guy in the video is going overboard making a point.


Active Member
Wake up the backlash has always been there. Most of the worst conflicts in this countries history have resulted becuase of it. The guy on the video is one extreme Chineese Arabs Mexicans and other ethnic groups exclusively buy only from there respective groups blacks usually dont this is one example that your blowing out of proportion. But other ethnic groups do this for real everyday, but you didn't mention that, neither did the show becuase he said he was doing it. But lots of others do it de facto.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I want you white people to drive out of your way with the purpose of buying white only.:shock:
support the white man. :shock:
empower and only embrace the white working class.:shock:
Does this come off as racist?
Would I have to worrie about civil right attorneys, naacp and the lib media witch hunting me?

check video out.:?
before you condemn me.

when they go the extra 15 miles to buy their groceries, do they sit in the back of the bus? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
the NAACP is now blaming banks for being so stupid to give blacks loans.its all the banks fault the minority community has a foreclosure and default rate 5 times higher than the normal white family.
they just cant help themselfs.they HAVE to blame someone else.
its just how the liberal mind works.why solve problems when you can blame others for them.
when i employed people i would fire someone with that mentality,ive seen the blame game go on plenty of times in the work place.always by a moron.normaly a liberal one who has a excuse for all of his failures