Buying a bong


Well-Known Member
hey guys. I really want a bong but I don't feel comfortable ordering from outside the US. So:

1. Can anyone give me an online headshop? in the US?

2. Can anyone give me some positive experiences/feedback from companies outside of the US?


rob butts

Well-Known Member
thats not US, you know why you cant find any in the US? cause there arent any! let me know when you find one


Well-Known Member
i went in a porn store when i visited a golf course a couple states away and they had bongs and shit out the wazu. didnt have the money then and don't have the time to go back now


Well-Known Member
Ok I checked out some vaporizers and was wondering if it does not burn the weed then how long does the weed last in the vaporizer?

Also do you just toss out the bud when your done?


Well-Known Member
Dude there's bongs in the U.S. I can go like 45 minutes away and there's a store with nothing but bongs, pipes, etc. just don't feel like driving that far and most well all the people I smoke with are scared of bongs for some reason

rob butts

Well-Known Member
depends what kind of vaporizer, mine is the volcano- 700$$, honestly, TOTALLY worth it. the weed taste SO good, even mids. Also it doesnt burn it , it heats it up and the THC is released into a bag and you enhale it out of the bag, its kinda like a bowl you pack it, turn it on, and it inflates and you get probably like 7 or 8 hits from each one. its awesome you get RETARDED As well. and ya you toss out the bud, it turns brown instead of ash white and black.


Well-Known Member
Damn $700 you are a commited pothead, but when you say 7-8 hits how much weed are we talking about that's in there 1/2 gram or what?

rob butts

Well-Known Member
nah maybe a little less than .5 but i mean you can smoke .5 of mids and get fuckin BLASTED and it taste unbelievable, cause its all THC, no carbon monoxide or bad shit for you, its actually in the GrowFAQ, its proven to be 100% not bad for you at all, medical patients use it qutie often.


Well-Known Member
Wow, is the Volcano actually like, 100% harmless? I've got the cash just chillin' in my room, waiting to be spent on something.
If it's really that amazing, I'm gonna get it. Period. Does anyone have any testimonials?

rob butts

Well-Known Member
well im ripped and i dont know what a testimonial is, but its SO worth it, you can find it on some sites cheaper. and some headshops have them for cheaper. yeah its not bad at all thers a article abotu it somewhere ill find it and post it for you bro.


Well-Known Member
I've found it from the manufacturer in Oakland for $539, shipped free ground via UPS, C.O.D. I could order it right now.
I think I'll sleep on it, maybe. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
fuck it order it man, maybe that will help you stop coughing up blood and shit if I could afford I would get one I mean you can't go wrong you get higher and it's safer for you


Well-Known Member
alright man let me know how it is and if it's worth it? From what I heard it sounds like the shit, I even seen one that had a lock controlled by a keypad with numbers so no one can smoke out of your shit when your not there.


Well-Known Member
dude those vapes are nice dont get me wrong, but you gotta wait 20 mins for the motherfucker to get ready, i mean i could roll up and blow a blunt by the time the box is ready