Buying good clean soil online?


Well-Known Member
Looking for clean soil from a good source online ebay seller or website please help me out last soil i bought came with mites so i really need a good soil source for starting over


Well-Known Member
Pasteurize it yourself, it's not difficult. A wagner 705 wallpaper steamer with the hose ran into a 30g tub. then place your soil bag in the tub, but not sitting directly on the bottom, steam needs to circulate under and around all sides of the bag. Monitor temperature and start a 2 hr timer when it gets above 130f. Try to keep it below 155 or you kill of some beneficial fungi (actinomycetes).

Here's a thread to demonstrate the idea, it's a common practice in mushroom cultivation.


Well-Known Member
Note: Link in above post requires an account to see.

Had to reactivate my account to see that lol. It'd been so long my account was inactive.