buying my first set up?


Well-Known Member
hey guys I'm buying my first indoor set up and was just wondering what i want on my shopping list? I've grown outdoor for a few seasons now and have decoded to take it a bit further. so far on my shopping list i have:

1mtr x 1mtr tent
600w light
carbon filter
Ph stick
digi thermometer/humidity computer

I was debating if i should get a smaller light for the first few weeks of veg? i believe if your going to do it you might as well do it properly lol. any advice openly welcomed cheers guys!

Captain Keg

Well-Known Member

Seeing as you've mentioned the ballast, is it a mh or hps?
Mh for veg & hps for flower - otherwise you'll have some stretching using a HPS vegging.
What nutes are you using?

-You'll need a fan - especially if it's a Dutch barn reflector. Plus the air movement will help build stronger stems & help prevent mold
-A thermometer to measure temps, humidity, etc.
-Heavy timers or a contactor - cheap ones will blow within days.

Other than that - go with the kiss method in terms of buying equipment. I know it's your first indoor but having grew outdoors you'll have experience.

I've probably missed something - I apologise, it's been a late one.

mr buddy

Well-Known Member
I had these from seedlings under a 400watt hps. did get some stretch but I re potted and buried them to half an inch under the first leaves then when 3 weeks old I topped them and started lst when next growth came were I topped . there now in 1st week of flower under 600watt Al 4 doing fine so far .. so oly thing I can see you having a problem with is heat. . get some oscillator fans in there


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I would advise keeping your costs low until you have it down and you're sure you'll stick with it. Never have there been so many useful AND unnecessary products. Most people quit once they realize how much work it is, but you're already outdoor guy so im sure you'll stick it out :)

Jon E. Doe

Well-Known Member
+1 for coco. I agree with the KISS operation. Tent, light, air. Everything else you'll address as it pops up (if anything), based on your previous growing experience.

Also, the overwhelming and ridiculous market of nutes and additives is stupidly saturated. Stick the basics and don't fall for the hype.

Hope you run a log/journal of your grow. Good luck!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i started growing inside 3 years ago, and have a closet full of shit i had to the time.
get a ppm/ec meter, a ph meter, and a small bottle of test solution for each.
if you have room, i'd go with a 4x4 tent, or even a 5x5. 3x3 is going to be just a little tight if you want to grow more than maybe 3 plants at a time.
are you planning on running a crop at a time in the same tent, or thinking about getting a perpetual going, with a smaller veg tent to start plants in and a larger tent to flower in?
if you're going to go one crop at a time, get a decent 600 watt ballast that will run both MH and HPS, then get a 3000k bulb in hps and a 5000k bulb in MH. i'd also get a t5 fixture or a quantum board with a dimmable driver to start stuff under, you don't want to start seedlings under a 600 watt light, makes em either burn or stretch like crazy.
basically same thing for two separate tents, except two drivers, and i don't think you'd need more than 400 watts for veg.
if you can afford it, go all quantum boards and cob leds from the start, save money on power, and will only need a fan and filter for odor control, not heat control. there are several excellent vendors on the forums here that have been members for a long time, and a lot of people here have done business with them. i'd suggest looking in the led forums here before you go to amazon or ebay and buy something that looks good but is actually shit.
if you have to go with h.i.d. lighting, you'll need a fan and filter. i run a 5x5 tent with 4 plants flowering at a time, and i've had to upgrade twice to keep odor under control. i ended up with a 6x24 phresh filter rated at 550 cfm, hooked to a fan that tops out at 440 cfm. i run it wide open when the lights are on and half speed when they're off, and thats the minimum i've found that will effectively control smell in that size area. so you'd need a hood (or two) i really like the 6 inch cool tubes with the bat wing reflectors, but thats a personal preference, any decent hood will do, but keep the dimensions of your tent in mind when buying a hood. you'll need hangers for your hood, and for your filter. i have an oscillating tower fan, and two small clip on fans in my flower tent. you'll need extention cords, a fan controller, at least a couple of timers, make sure they're rated to carry the load of your lights.
you need pots of some kind, medium to grow in, a watering can, or a drip system, or a blumats system....depends on how you intend to water. i would go with at least 5 gallon containers, be they buckets, airpots, smartpots, or totes. more roots equal more fruits.
you need to feed them something, i suggest Jack's dry salts, the citrus blend is good, they have a wide array of different formulations, and they're way cheaper than buying bottles of mostly water, with some of the same stuff in them.
measuring spoons....
that ought to get you started, i'm sure i forgot a lot of stuff, but i was looking at what i actually still use after 3 years of trying shit and going "well this is fucking useless"


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help people! Ill just be doing a crop at a time and i don't plan on growing more than 4 at once until i get it locked down really. I've spoken to a few friends who grow in coco, they all said they haven't really had issues either so going coco and sticking to canna feed and sups. ill be going to the grow shop this weekend so ill see how i get on and how much it costs me. I've got a ball park figure but if it means spending a bit more then thats the case lol, ill defiantly get a log going to record too it thanks again!


thanks for the help people! Ill just be doing a crop at a time and i don't plan on growing more than 4 at once until i get it locked down really. I've spoken to a few friends who grow in coco, they all said they haven't really had issues either so going coco and sticking to canna feed and sups. ill be going to the grow shop this weekend so ill see how i get on and how much it costs me. I've got a ball park figure but if it means spending a bit more then thats the case lol, ill defiantly get a log going to record too it thanks again!
Have fun!!!


Well-Known Member
right guys I've been to the shop and have everything on hold till thursday purely because they haven't got any tents in yet and should be in wednesday-thursday morning. as of now i have :

1x1 tent
600w digi kit
400w veg
PH meter-up/down
additive pack

i was speaking to a mate who recommended buying a EC meter is it worth it or am i going over the top? i don't mind investing if I'm going to get better yield/products. i know its my first indoor crop but like i said previous i have out door experience and i know I'm not going to get bored/ do 1 crop and give up. If its means spending and extra few hundred bucks I'm more than happy to do so!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
no, an ec/ppm meter is a good thing to have, at least until you get really comfortable with the nute system you'e using, its nice to not have to guess about how strong your solution is, and if you're anything like me, you can get fucked up and add the same shit twice if you aren't careful, a final check with the ec and ph meters after you've done everything else can help you avoid mistakes.
few hundred? i've had the same cheap chinese ppm meter for two years, paid 14.99 for it, and 7 bucks for a bottle of test solution. its stayed calibrated for the whole two years so far, not had to adjust it once, same for ph meter, paid 15 bucks, got a bottle of test solution, had to adjust it less than one tenth of a point twice in 2 years


Well-Known Member
no, an ec/ppm meter is a good thing to have, at least until you get really comfortable with the nute system you'e using, its nice to not have to guess about how strong your solution is, and if you're anything like me, you can get fucked up and add the same shit twice if you aren't careful, a final check with the ec and ph meters after you've done everything else can help you avoid mistakes.
few hundred? i've had the same cheap chinese ppm meter for two years, paid 14.99 for it, and 7 bucks for a bottle of test solution. its stayed calibrated for the whole two years so far, not had to adjust it once, same for ph meter, paid 15 bucks, got a bottle of test solution, had to adjust it less than one tenth of a point twice in 2 years
Thanks for the advice man I'll grab one when I go pick my set up Thursday then! Yea I'm just taking a random guess at how much it would be. It's pretty expensive where I am in the world for equipment everything I've listed has cost me $1500 up to now, hence the reason I wasn't thinking possibly a few hundred? my ph stick was $135 that's pretty much what I was going off. Could most likely get it online cheaper but I don't like leaving paper trails really lol


Well-Known Member
Your local hydro store should have many to chose from. Ours start at 34.00 go up to 110.00 for the bluelab