Buying nirvana seeds


Well-Known Member
Now i have bought big bud seeds off of nirvana and did grow and smoke them but im not so sure it is a very good idea to be ordering seeds to my house if i am going to be growing here.Yet i do hear people talking about how their seeds arrived and there startin' to grow them.
So I'm wondering who here gets the seeds delivered and who doesn't??



Well-Known Member
but what about the U.S.? Anyone from the U.S. getting seeds offline from anywhere like this?


Well-Known Member
I would NEVER have it delivered to my house...thats just silly...find friend, family...someone who you trust...they dont even need to know what's inside...just place one big order so you dont have to order couple times a month. Just my opinion...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
if your that worried go rent a po box under a false name and address. Do it online with a prepaid gift card, pretty chickenshit to use friends or family if you don't have the stones to have them sent to yourself. which is what many do.


Well-Known Member
i have had delievered to my house not to paranoid if u get ur seeds u really dont need to worry if u dont get them thats the only way u could have a problem but not likely


Well-Known Member
ive made 5 orders of seeds now BUT NEVER 2 THE HOUSE I GROW AT!!!! WOW!!!!! WHO WOULD DO THAT???????? FUCK THAT!!!!!! THATS ASKIN 2 GET RAIDED!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
if your that worried go rent a po box under a false name and address. Do it online with a prepaid gift card, pretty chickenshit to use friends or family if you don't have the stones to have them sent to yourself. which is what many do.
can you pay for gift cards with cash?


Active Member
Yes you can, some banks have the visa giftcards, the only problem is that there is an activation fee i believe.


Well-Known Member
well i know alot of peeps had their seeds delivered to their grow house but im legal so i really dont have worries but since i got my seeds my would i get raided they going to find my seeds send them to me wait 6 weeks then come and raid me for a few little plants i think not they have better things to do


Well-Known Member
IM LEGAL 2!! im in nor cal with a card and i still wouldnt send seeds 2 my grow house, having seeds sent from different countries is not legal even with a card, why chance it


Well-Known Member
so you can set up a P.O. box on the internet, i know this, but then what i just go the post office down the road and say, "hi my name is
Gerald goldstein(obv. not my name) or whatever and just snag my package and be on my way? And if they were to discover that this P.O. box was set up under fraudulent info. and to ultimately illegally smuggle blazin' headie seeds into the U.S.then I would be fucked the only way would be to have the ability to buy giftcards with COMPLETE anonymity.:joint: