Buying Regular Rockwool from a hardware store......


Active Member
-I needed to repost this, I answered an old thread with it. Its good for those who think that Rockwool is full if chemicals unless you get it from a hydro store....

HAHAHAHAAHHAH! I have used nothing but the insulation mineral rockwool........I have great success. I usually cut a big square and soak it for 3 or 4 days in distilled water and then rinse before I plant my seeds clones etc. I have never had any problems and a huge sheet is like 3 dollars.


Rockwool insulation is a type of insulation that contains actual rocks and minerals. A varied list of products can be made from this insulation. Rockwool insulation acts as a best absorbent of sound and heat. Hence, it is used in building construction, industrial plants etc.
Rockwool insulation is also known by the names of mineral wool insulation, slag wool insulation or even stone wool insulation. It was first produced in the mid 1800s and is in use successfully even today.
Rockwool insulation is a good conductor of heat. However, when it is made into rolls or sheets, it is exceedingly efficient in blocking the transfer of heat. It has a very high melting point. Due to this quality, it is also used to prevent the spread of fire in buildings.
Furthermore, it has no serious health hazards to the people while manufacturing, using or during any other type of exposure. All this has been proved by extensive medical research. There is no harm of hazardous chemicals leaking out from a product or any kind of corrosion.
Rockwool insulation is light weight and hence, very easy for installation. It has produced good results when tested on animals, but the concerns arising from research on other building materials is raising doubt on its capacities too.
Rockwool insulation is safe from rodents. It has a comparatively high pH factor that does not absorb moisture. It also causes an obstacle in the growth of the plants. For allowing the plants to grow, it should be made with such a process that its pH factor reduces.
On the contrary, if a rockwool insulator is allowed to become wet, it retains a large amount of water and thus, it becomes a breeding ground of bacteria, which can be a bit hazardous.
The making of rockwool insulation contains heating of the minerals and other raw materials to a temperature of about 2910 degree Fahrenheit (which is about 1600 degree Celsius) in a furnace. Then a current of air or steam is blown through it. Nowadays, many advance techniques are also used in its preparations.
In these processes, molten rock is rotated in spinning wheels. At the end we get very fine, intertwined fibers that are bound together with starch. To decrease the formation of dust over it, while manufacturing, oil is added in the process. You can use this information to find out how exactly the insulation material that you are planning to buy was manufactured. Nothing like a bit of technical knowledge to indicate to the seller that you mean business.



Well-Known Member
Man that super bright green font is impossible to read fyi. Not to be a dick its a great tip i just cant read it.