Buying seeds online help newbie


Hi everyone well i recently started a garden, i have 5 plants going, they are about three weeks old and they are indoors. I decided that i would buy some seeds online. However i made the mistake of having them sent to my home where my 5 plant garden is growing. They have not arrived yet but i am starting to get worried. Should i trash the 5 plants that i have going just in cases something happens with the law or should i just let it ride. Not sure what to do know. I would hate to throw all 5 plants away but dont need the fuzz up my you know what. Any recommendations here !

andy appleseed

Well-Known Member
Dont sweat it man. The most that will happen is customs will snag your seeds. Which sucks but it rearly happens. Im not saying I recomend ordering seeds to your grow operaiton (even though I do) but as long as its not a shit ton of MJ seeds you got nothing to worry about.

Dont freak out and throw away your 5 plants. Keep on growing . Lifes a garden...dig it :leaf:

Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
Don't worry bro!! The worst that can happen is u get a letter from customs saying they've intercepted "illegal contraband"! Don't sweat it! They'll probably be in your mail box any day!! I've never had any problems ordering to my place & every order I've made online have got through, 10 times or more!! Just CHILL!!


Active Member
i only ordered once onlinefrom nivana was very nervous also but just had to have ak"s got here in like 6 days to united states only 7 outta ten germed but ones that did r 6 inches tall and lookin good


Active Member
ive ordered from nirvana and had good luck the first time I actually ordered some white rino 4 days ago from nirvana waitin on them i like their packaging think it took about a week for my first order to come.


Well-Known Member
ive ordered from nirvana and had good luck the first time I actually ordered some white rino 4 days ago from nirvana waitin on them i like their packaging think it took about a week for my first order to come.
I ordered some ak-48 from nirvana and they got opened by customs still got them tho.


Well-Known Member
don't get to worked on slow delivery, especially this time of year
and if the seed bank was in the uk, there's been a mail strike going on
so wait for a bit, they'll likely be along