Buying supplies today help?????!


Hello world. I am a new member and have three 1 week old plants. As of now they are growing under 2 CFls inside a small cabinet. I am going to Home Depot today and I'm looking to buy A lighting mount for my CFLs as well as bulbs . Could someone give me HELPFUL advice on what type of bulbs to buy? How many watts and what kind?
Keep in mind that I will be growing in my bedroom (small space) the plants will be on growing on shelves.


Well-Known Member
in general .. get as high Watt as possible .. the more light = more buds

minimum go for 23W .. see if you can get 35W or bigger ..

go for bulbs in 2700K/5000K/6500K

2700K is mostly red/yellow light and is what the plant use most of once it begin to flower .. 6500K is mostly blue and is what small seedlings/veg plants is looking for .. tho mix em up .. 5000K is a mix ..

but if you could get .. etc. lets say 3x35W in 2700K and 3x35W in 6500K I would go for that rather then the 5000K type ..

but many shops don't sell them 6500K atlest not in many kind/type/watt .. if you have a hard time finding them go for a mix of 2700K and 5000K ..

atlest 50 watt per foot of grow .. aim for +80 watt .. specially doing flowering .. and try to get/make a hood/reflector of some kind .. or you kind a loose half your light so to speak ..

one of them emergency blankets or ice covers for cars can be nice reflective material to use in a grow cabinet/reflectors/hoods


Well-Known Member
The "Y" 2-into-1 bulb sockets work great for increasing light in a given spot. I have seen guys on here use 8 "Y" sockets and deploy 16 23-watt CFL.

You will probably find only 2700K at any store that isn't garden. Buy them. I have a huge WWA under one (not ideal but it's what was laying around. Then I have another 2700K next a 6500K CFL over a 6-space hydro and 3 Vertigo plants under each are growing.

It's ideal to match spectrums, at Lowes and HD it is impossible. Go with what they have and get growing. Add the 6500 by ordering if needed.


Well-Known Member

that look nice .. nice little set up for 2-4 small plants/sea of green or sumthing similar ..


Active Member
In my experience Lowe's has a better selection of cfls, though as slipon said it's hard to find 6500k. I found 5500k at Lowe's though. And if you want some cheap advice for reflecting, those Mylar foil balloons work great. The inside of the balloons is perfect for reflecting light. Try to find square ones though. Good luck. :bigjoint:


Should I buy a 32' mount with 2 tube flurescant? That's what I'm aiming for, or should I go for the Y lighting
I have 3 plants so I think the mount with tube fluorescents would be best


I need to make a decision fast. My plants are tall and forming there second nodes. In 2 hours when I get off work ill be going to Home Depot or lowes for these materials. I need to buy a bigger pot to replant. Which size pot should I buy ? I' don't want my plants tooooo big bcuz I'm growing in my room so I'm not using 5 gallon buckets


Well-Known Member
Cfl's cfl's cfl's wow, what ever happened to t-5's with a 6000k bulb? seems to me they work just as good if not better than the magic cfl's! Look here's proof 15 days in...

vegged week 3 eee.jpgvegged week 3.,,.jpgvegged week 3.jpgvegged week 33333.jpg


Well-Known Member
flourescent tubes the number designate's the bulb size-t-5's t-8's and so on. The 6000k blue spectrum bulb is very efficent at meeting the veggin plants needs.


Well-Known Member
GE Energy Smart Daylight 6500K the only 6500K spiral available in stores. 100W per plant. real watts. 003.jpgdon't buy all your stuff at one place. its quite obvious to lawmen when piled on a card at home depot. bulbs, power strips, reflective material. too obvious. spread it around. don't go to one store, and buy a "Grow Cannabis at Home" kit.


Well-Known Member
problem with lowers or Walmart aso.

is that they often dont have the HO type .. so you can only choose between normal T5 or T8 ..
in witch case I would actually go for the T8 if you can get em in 58W insted of the 28W T5 type

but then there is the next problem .. Kelvin .. they mostly only got em in 5000K and 4000K and maybe 2700K

but yea .. if it was me I would keep em low anyway with tubes/CLFs ... or maybe even grow small auto`s

as the biggest down side of fluoresce is penetration .. so most important is the 2700K flowering bulbs as Veg will be short ..

3 or 4 of them 2 bulbs T8 fixture (58W 4 feet type) so you end up with 6-8 bulbs and then get most in 2700K and flower early .. keep em small .. train em .. LST maybe ..

about pots .. if you want to keep em in smaller pots you will also need to flower em fast and keep em small .. so it do fit so to speak ..

I would suggest 3 gallon .. keep em in 1 gallon from seed to end of veg (3-4 weeks) then in the 3 gallon a week before 12/12 so you start 12/12 after 4-5 weeks from seed and use the last two to train em to get multiply tops you can keep close to the light (2-4 inch`s)

that is atlest how I would do it ..


Ok I will be going to Home Depot in about 1 hour after work I think I've decided to get a Y' light and add 2 flurescants . I'm trying to grow a medium size plant (flowering at 3-4 weeks) because I'm growing in my room with small surroundings. Right now I have 3 plants and I'm not sure if they are male or female . I am planning on tossing 1 plant .( seeds were given to me by a friend )Do u think this is a good idea for growing 1-2 ?
Or should I still go with a small 32' t5 flurescant tube? Decisions decisions lol