by the window


Active Member
hi, i was wondering whether growing by the window side would be okay, i.e to place my plant next to my window so as it can receive sunlight from there...

I live in a tropical island, temperature is usually 26 degrees celcius minimum - 34 degrees celcius maximum.

(in fahrenheit: 78.8 - 93.2). Most of the time it is usually bright sunny day.

So, would growing near a window be worthy in such a case?


New Member
Hell if you live on a tropical island I would just put it on the back porch lol.. A window will do almost no good at all.. The amount of usable light per day will only be a few hours at most.


Well-Known Member
i live on a island as well.. it depends on how the light hits your window.. on my screened in porch i can 6-7 hours of direct sunlight a day.. and that has seemed to be enough so far.. but those plants are just babies still.. i would say its worth a try if your just doing it for fun.. probably wont get much yield.


Active Member
Thanks for the tip.

:p about the planting backdoor :p that would've been cool, but then ... the law is kind of damned severe here, you'll get caught as if you were dealing in coke here if you dare grow and get caught.

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Hell if you live on a tropical island I would just put it on the back porch lol.. A window will do almost no good at all.. The amount of usable light per day will only be a few hours at most.
Bull shit. my friend grew (3) plants next to a window and they grew 5ft tall.


Active Member
hmm no need to start a flame war on this, i guess i'll try and see, won't use an expensive strain for testing with the window

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
sure.. in about 8-12 mnths prolly.

lol.. BS? ... ok w/e
I know it sounds like bull shit but i seen it with my own eyes. the plants were in the corner of the room one side had a window facing east and the other facing SW. Big ass windows like 8ftX4ft.


Active Member
i started my orange crush plant in a small pot in my window. it grew very healty and very quickly in fact. open the window so that you get as much direct light as you can seeing as you are losing so much typically. and try to put it in the brigtest area if possible.


Active Member
okie, nearly starting to grow, some few questions before.

I've openned the window and all, seems my plant will get only 4 hours of direct light the whole day. (15.30-17.30), but its very strong and direct light (i live in the tropics :p). Would that be enough?
Btw the plant is white widow