By what date do you like to have your plants into their final pots?

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
For those growing in pots/containers, is there a date that you try to have your plants settled into their final containers by? Or does it even matter?

I was thinking maybe by the end of June?

I want my plants to grow as big as possible, but I probably shouldn't put small plants into large containers either.

I have 8 clones that have been in two gallon smart pots for about a month. I don't want to leave them in there too long and restrict their growth.



Well-Known Member
I am lucky to live in an area that I can grow year round.. ( we get a bit of frost but having them inside a GH allowed them to live) I was testing last year to gauge what I would yield for a spring harvest
my Fall crop are clones from the spring ladies (a few seeds) and those were added to their containers on 4-17 (seeds were in 5-1) not for any real reason except for pure 100% being a lazy ass this year.. I would have had them in sooner but could not muster up the desire to mess with them... still forcing myself to even start my scrog grow.


Active Member
Dont be afraid to throw them into your " final container" after 1-3 weeks of growth depending on many factors.
From seedling , i put 5" babies into 5 gal pots.
as far as timing goes only your plants can tell you when to be transplanted and ultimately harvested.
My ladies sprouted up on 4-10-13, replanted on 4-27 into 5 gal. and they are doing really nice and i am guessing them done around Mid august ish.
i am getting 9 hours direct sun a day
I also though and using high grade soil, nutes and epec. love



I buy my plants already rooted and with lateral buds and all. I throw them into their largest container as soon as they are hardened off for outdoor growing.


New Member
Well depends where you live on when days get shorter. Where im at id give them in AT THE LATEST by end of june. Cause flowering will kick start in july

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I'm in norcal, if I remember right we start to see visible flowers in early August.

I guess I'll get cracking on my soil and big pots pretty soon.


Well-Known Member
Pretend that you're an Indian and pay attention to the moon. Try to plant on the New Moon cycle which is right now for a few more days or wait until June 8th (I think). So June 9th - 18th would be ideal.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
How does the moon effect transplanting a plant?

I'm not doubting your info, I would just like to understand how that works.


Well-Known Member
why would you worry about a date? worry about the plant. I try to have them in ASAP. I prefer to start in final pots

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
why would you worry about a date? worry about the plant. I try to have them in ASAP. I prefer to start in final pots
I asked about the date because I know I would want them in their final spots well before flowering, but I've also been told not to put small plants into large containers. Something about the soil staying damp for too long. But it seems like a lot of guys skip that and go right to the big containers.

The small containers have been handy though because I could move my plants inside at night for extra light and warmth. They don't need that now. Now it sounds like it's time to pot up and start pushing these girl a bit.


Well-Known Member
Google it. There are a few reasons varying from the pull of the moon (associated with watering) to the increasing light as the moon grows. From what I have read the Indians noticed bigger and better crops when they planted and transplanted during this time.