Bye bye, Bernie!

Bugeye you're a hypocrite, putting on the nice guy show of piety while supporting Trump. Perhaps you had better articulate why in spite of all the evidence that he is unfit and damaged as a human being, yet you still carry his water. If he kills your parents, will you still blindly follow him over the cliff? Because of his incompetence and dereliction of duty this epidemic is now a direct threat to you, your family and the country, hate has a firm grip on your heart, there is no other explanation, your just not that stupid, even though you've been called it many times.

You are at civil war with America and now have blood on your hands, you and trump will drown in it before this is over. If there is a God, may he have mercy on your miserable soul, there no way a guy like you would make it through the pearly gates, they don't allow baggage and there are luggage racks on hearses. If you are a catholic you must attain a state of grace to make it, not just collapse trembling and speaking in tongues before the congregation, Heaven takes effort in catholicism.
buggy likes $3 trillion dollar deficits
Bugeye you're a hypocrite, putting on the nice guy show of piety while supporting Trump. Perhaps you had better articulate why in spite of all the evidence that he is unfit and damaged as a human being, yet you still carry his water. If he kills your parents, will you still blindly follow him over the cliff? Because of his incompetence and dereliction of duty this epidemic is now a direct threat to you, your family and the country, hate has a firm grip on your heart, there is no other explanation, your just not that stupid, even though you've been called it many times.

You are at civil war with America and now have blood on your hands, you and trump will drown in it before this is over. If there is a God, may he have mercy on your miserable soul, there no way a guy like you would make it through the pearly gates, they don't allow baggage and there are no luggage racks on hearses. If you are a catholic you must attain a state of grace to make it, not just collapse trembling and speaking in tongues before the congregation, Heaven takes effort in catholicism.
Thanks for your opinion!
I can't wait to come back and laugh at your dumbass.

Repeatedly, over & over, to the point of tears.

You stupid *****

Must be time for another sock, Looks like I can barely post anymore.

lol @ the mod thinking he actually possesses the power to prevent free speech.
So you will laugh and celebrate if Trump wins...
When will his new book be coming out? He will run again next time if he is alive. Then he can take more donations, not win, write another book...
A revolution is when you expend a lot of energy to move in a circle and end up right back where you started. They have had two successful revolutions.
Bernie helped tRUmp with his plan to end democracy by blocking Obama's appointees to the Postal Service board. Between Mitch blocking the Supreme court and Bernie blocking the Postal board Stinky was able to pack both with his cult members.
Post a link, from your narrative it sounds like Bernie never had another purpose for his actions other than destroying democracy. I'm sure if he could see into the future and see Trump as president he might done things differently. I'm glad Bernie never ran for the democrats, he would have lost badly and when he did lose to Joe far and square (Joe was broke), he climbed on board real quick.

There are problems with the postal services in America and Canada, costs are way too high to mail stuff and China is eating our lunch in online retail because their post office works like ours used to. I never buy American online, shipping costs more than many items, I can get the same thing from China with free shipping. Only huge companies like Amazon can offer free shipping in North America.
Hope For Repairing Trump & DeJoy's Damage To Post Office

Rachel Maddow reviews the damaging impact of Louis DeJoy as postmaster general under Donald Trump and talks with Amber McReynlods, a newly confirmed, Biden-nominated member of the USPS board of governors about her hopes for the future of U.S. mail and improving service for Americans who rely on it.
Bernie helped tRUmp with his plan to end democracy by blocking Obama's appointees to the Postal Service board. Between Mitch blocking the Supreme court and Bernie blocking the Postal board Stinky was able to pack both with his cult members.

Bernie was terrified of having his entire contribution to congress over 30 years, which is the renaming of a post office, wiped out.
Bernie helped tRUmp with his plan to end democracy by blocking Obama's appointees to the Postal Service board. Between Mitch blocking the Supreme court and Bernie blocking the Postal board Stinky was able to pack both with his cult members.

cool article too bad i can't read it; i already pay Bezos enough on his other platforms; if he still has to hold out for his dollar fvck him.

Democracy Dies In Darkness- WaPo Masthead

i wonder who had the most money when the pandemic was announced? Sanders or Brokedick Biden? let's face it he wouldn't be president if it weren't for the pandemic because he had $0 12/2019