Byron Smith execution of burglars

Many old people have been killed because they woke up and spooked a thief while they are committing their felony.
If he alerted them to his presence, they might still be alive.
If he shot them in the legs, they might still be alive.
If he didn't pull the trigger, they might still be alive.
If they weren't born, they might still be alive...

Yes you are, and yes it is.

By killing those two worthless pieces of shit, he MIGHT have saved the lives of some innocent folks down the road.

And society is rewarding him by putting him in a cage.

My sympathies will NEVER go with the criminal breaking into somebodies home. Ever. Fuck those guys.
Many old people have been killed because they woke up and spooked a thief while they are committing their felony.
In the state of Minnesota, its only a felony if you break into a building while ARMED! Otherwise its a misdemeanor unless you get caught actually having stolen something from the place.

Minnesota has 1st degree robbery and first degree theft, which are the felonies and both require a weapon, otherwise its just degrees of misdemeanors. Same with assault, you can punch a guys lights out and at most you will spend some time in jail, but it won't be a felony unless you do great bodily harm.
By killing those two worthless pieces of shit, he MIGHT have saved the lives of some innocent folks down the road.

And society is rewarding him by putting him in a cage.

My sympathies will NEVER go with the criminal breaking into somebodies home. Ever. Fuck those guys.
What does this have to do with sympathizing with the dead? This is about the lunacy of an old coot who was paranoid and decided to kill in order to find some inner sense of "safety". Are you trying to defend his actions to the extent all thieves and vandals should be executed?
Or just these "two worthless pieces of shit"?
This is about the lunacy of an old coot who was paranoid and decided to kill in order to find some inner sense of "safety".
Or just these "two worthless pieces of shit"?

I don't agree.

I believe it's about the lunacy of individuals that have no respect for the property, or lives, of their fellow man.

Are you trying to defend his actions to the extent all thieves and vandals should be executed?

Nah. I'm not going to kill a motherfucker for stealing a T.V. from a Wal-mart, nor am I going to hang a motherfucker for spray painting some stupid shit on a wall.

When it comes to a home, however, I support the hell out of using lethal force to stop an invader. Unless you can read minds, which I can't, there is absolutely NO way of knowing the intent of some shitbag that breaks into your home. They could simply be after property, OR they could be after a nice torture / rape / murder session, OR a little bit of both. I'm not about to find out, and I don't believe ANY citizen should.

The easiest way NOT to get shot while breaking into a home is to not break into peoples' homes.
Dr. Kelly Mills testified that Kifer had six gunshot wounds and Brady was shot three times, with both teenagers sustaining multiple gunshot wounds that by themselves would have been fatal.
Mills testified that Kifer had been shot near her left eye, behind her left ear, on her neck under the chin, in the abdomen, her right hand and her left forearm, the latter bullet also going into her left chest. She also testified that Brady was shot in the back left shoulder and in the thumb of his left hand by a bullet that also entered his abdomen. The third gunshot to Brady went through his right palm and into the right side of his head.
The testimony from Mills was accompanied by several autopsy photographs that showed the teenagers' wounds in detail.
Toxicology tests showed Brady didn't have any alcohol or drugs in his system; Kifer tested positive for a metabolite for marijuana and a cough suppressant, Mills testified.
Mills said she couldn't give the exact sequence of all of the gunshot wounds to Brady and Kifer. But she said both teens had more than one gunshot wound that would have killed each if it was the only wound they had sustained.
The dude was justified in shooting them, however he did it in a really creepy way, and that's what freaked the jury out. If he would have simply shot them, and called the police right away, he probably wouldn't be in jail right now. Why make a super creepy whispery recording of your inner douche-baggery, for all to hear?
Nah. I'm not going to kill a motherfucker for stealing a T.V. from a Wal-mart, nor am I going to hang a motherfucker for spray painting some stupid shit on a wall.

When it comes to a home, however, I support the hell out of using lethal force to stop an invader. Unless you can read minds, which I can't, there is absolutely NO way of knowing the intent of some shitbag that breaks into your home.

Seeing a slug at the end of the barrel, your immediate response is...?

Knowledge is a weapon in its own right, and he failed to use it to his advantage. Now he'll spend what little life he has left in regret probably reliving that scenario in his mind, over and over, wondering the exact same thing.
The dude was justified in shooting them, however he did it in a really creepy way, and that's what freaked the jury out. If he would have simply shot them, and called the police right away, he probably wouldn't be in jail right now. Why make a super creepy whispery recording of your inner douche-baggery, for all to hear?

Yes I am sure that would explain away the shot he made up under the girls chin after shooting her 5 times previously
Yes I am sure that would explain away the shot he made up under the girls chin after shooting her 5 times previously

After reading your earlier post, I guess the final shots were meaningless INCLUDING the shot under the chin. If any one of the earlier shots was fatal and she was hit multiple times, that definitely negates any concern I have over the last one.

The guy shooting a dead body doesn't concern me near as much as if he had shot them while they still had a chance to survive. It certainly doesn't invalidate the legality of the earlier shots. Thanks for clearing it up for me, I was on the fence.
Dr. Kelly Mills testified that Kifer had six gunshot wounds and Brady was shot three times, with both teenagers sustaining multiple gunshot wounds that by themselves would have been fatal.
Mills testified that Kifer had been shot near her left eye, behind her left ear, on her neck under the chin, in the abdomen, her right hand and her left forearm, the latter bullet also going into her left chest. She also testified that Brady was shot in the back left shoulder and in the thumb of his left hand by a bullet that also entered his abdomen. The third gunshot to Brady went through his right palm and into the right side of his head.
The testimony from Mills was accompanied by several autopsy photographs that showed the teenagers' wounds in detail.
Toxicology tests showed Brady didn't have any alcohol or drugs in his system; Kifer tested positive for a metabolite for marijuana and a cough suppressant, Mills testified.
Mills said she couldn't give the exact sequence of all of the gunshot wounds to Brady and Kifer. But she said both teens had more than one gunshot wound that would have killed each if it was the only wound they had sustained.
Whatever source you lifted this from has you trying to believe that a shot in the wrist or in a forearm is a fatal wound by itself. Shoulders and thumb shots are also oh so deadly.

Dr Mills is a fucking shill, her own statements are obviously hyperbole.