C.F.L grow La diva & White widow


Active Member
You obviously don't need any help doing your thing, but for communicating and helping other understand, "full spectrum" is a very misleading term.

What a company puts on it's box to describe their lightbulb is not subject to regulation,

Usually the words are the least accurate description,
The kelvin temperature is slightly more accurate, but in reality actually not accurate;
The only accurate description would be the peaks on a specrtagraph, showing which light waves are being produced the most, showing how much of the light being produced is usable by a plant.

You can have a 100 W green CFL and produce almost 0 usable lumens of light for a plant.

Really nice light bulbs for specialty purposes (growing, aquariums, terarriums) will often have a spectragraph break down of the light output from their bulbs. Slightly less nice bulbs will tell you the "color temperature" which is denoted by a number, usually in the thousands, with a K after it.

I by no means am attacking you, I am actually quite envious of how your widow is growing, but if anyone wanted to reproduce your results, and you wanted to help them, simply telling them to get "full spectrum" CFLs is not what they need to hear. There's -way- more to it than that.

Btw i'm super impressed at the sativa grown with CFL, as that's not easy to do. Indicas are easier, sativas take alot of care to grow with CFLS.


Well-Known Member
Hi dude, first post here. Your plants look good! Here's my Critical Jack Automatic(left) and my LA Diva(right). Diva is at day 46. newpic.jpg


Well-Known Member
I love watching your grow, as I'm only a few days behind you. I even have the same pot, haha.


Active Member
Today is day 58 and the tips of my La Divas are turning yellow
So this is normal right?Just before the buds swell they all turn yellow and fall off


Well-Known Member
Hi dude, here is a picture from today. This is day 53 in the ground for my La Diva(left). This is from the time the seed cracked and I put it in the dirt, so I guess I could subtract a couple days. todayspic.jpg

She was my first grow and had some issues, but I've worked them out and she's doing pretty good. Long story short, I had drainage issues which masked a cal-mag deficiency, which from my research could have been magnified by my use of LEDs. The top cola is about 80 mm long, as you can compare with the fans I've got hanging there. She looks really great and I've got buds covered with crystals everywhere, but it doesn't smell a whole lot unless I disturb the glands. You can see that her growth was a bit stunted, as I have a Critical Jack Auto on the right in a very small pot and she is still taking the place over. Seems like a blessing in disguise lol. I was planning on waiting about 10 more days before I call the La Diva finished. By then, I might not even have room for it anymore. What do you think?



Well-Known Member
yellow tips is normally okay around the last week or so of flower. it happened on my last grow, as long as u trim right anyways its ok


Well-Known Member
Hi Blaze, things are looking good for you! I turned off the lights and got a pic for you today, day 54 or 55 I think. You can see the aftermath of my problems a lot better, but she's got nice big buds!!