C.F.L grow La diva & White widow


Active Member
Oh yeah those look good.I can see things got a little messed but they look like they pulled through in the end.
also it looks like your a bit ahead if me as far as development of the buds mine are still pretty fluffy but getting denser by the day.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah those look good.I can see things got a little messed but they look like they pulled through in the end.
also it looks like your a bit ahead if me as far as development of the buds mine are still pretty fluffy but getting denser by the day.

Thanks man. Yeah she looks like she recovered quite well. As far as comparing maturity levels between the plants, I've been thinking about possible reasons for such a difference. Perhaps it's my heavier use of a red spectrum?


Active Member
possibly or it could be because I fimed her twice and the second time was an accidental burn also when I started this thread I started on day 35 it was a complete guess so she could be as much as 15 days younger then i have it marked as and that should make her nice and fat in the 2 week until she is 70 days old which is when she is suppose to finish :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's probably it. I've read to never top or FIM an autoflower due to their relatively fixed lifespan. It has negative effects on yield, which makes sense. All I know is my La Diva seed cracked and went in the dirt on 10 Nov and all I've used is training, cal-mag, light feeding, and 24/0 light cycle. I don't know about you man, but I'm excited for these next few weeks!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Blaze, I hope your girls are doing well! I hope to see an update soon... Here's a pic from today, day 56 La Diva on the left:


Well-Known Member
Things look like they are progressing nicely man! That extra wattage will definitely help things:)


Active Member
My la diva got so heavy last night with goodness half of the branches were bent over pointing at the ground so I had to tie them all up.
I also staked my white widow's four biggest tops :) New pics in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
Are your bulbs 100w actual, or equivalent? They look much smaller than my 125w actuals.

Nice grow.


Active Member
Its the equivalent the 75 for the 2500 k and 100 for the 6500 k .
My next investment is 3 6500 k c.f.l that has a 450 w equivalent to replace my 3 100 w


Well-Known Member
Understood. By the way, don't be seduced by the 'equivalent' value attached to cfls. It means nothing. All you should be worrying about is the color spectrum and the amount of lumens each bulb produces.


Active Member
What I don't understand is why some people don't like the full spectrum. I have been told that there bullshit but they sure are working for me!
If anyone knows why please tell me.I really want to know.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any experience with full spectrum bulbs, so I can't comment on how good they are. I just follow the simple recipe of using 6400k for veg, and swapping them with 2700k for flowering. The plant makes better use of the different spectrums during different stages of the grow, but makes the most use of blue during veg and red during flower.

That said, if your methods work for you, and you're happy with the results, don't change them.


Well-Known Member
nice work man! things look good! Are you going to let the La Diva go a full 70 days? My Diva is at 59 days today and I'm getting impatient, but each day I wait she gets so much bigger...


Active Member
Hey Mc130p
Yeah im inpatient too but im gonna ride it out maby even give her another week. shes tied up good now so I just wait shes already so frosty!shes got me licking my lips.