Well-Known Member
like a light timer has any one got a fan timer that reads air temp and turns on and off at certain temps ??
thanks alot
peace and respect
thanks alot

peace and respect
has any one got a fan timer that reads air temp and turns on and off at certain temps ??
Well as a dutiful rookie in this hobby I went and read the FAQ and it said at night Co2 levels climb..guessing cuz all the trees and stuff working in reverse. For an indoor grow why couldnt a person just run the lights at night and draw in some outside air..making it possible to skip the artificial Co2 injection or so it would seem to me. I mean if it need man made Co2 so bad how can it grow wild outside along the river bank without nobody there to inject it? Color me cornfused.
befor man walked the earth ext... plant ruled the earth co2 was very high in short yes even if you have 1 or 2 plants if you have the money get co2 if you get a tank run it just like bctrippin said 1500ppm turn off at night if no tank some shops sell palls of compost that let out co2,when I started growing the first 4 times I didnt use co2 try number 6 I did with clones from the same batch and got 20% more bud
Dude, really? Do you seriously think that co2 levels have never been higher in the last 4.6 billion years? How do you think plants evolved to utilize 1500ppm in the atmosphere? For most of the earths history it has been much hotter and humid than it is now with much more co2 in the atmosphere than exists currently. Except for a period during the carboniferous period, co2 has been above 1000ppm; until about the end of the Cretaceous. It wasn't until Pangea began breaking up in the Jurassic Period that climates changed and Carbon dioxide began to decline from the then at average concentrations of about 1200 ppm to where it is today. The highest concentrations of co2 occurred (that is since the earth began to sustain life) during the Cambrian Period, nearly 7000 ppm!Umm have you heard of global warming? CO2 is higher now than ever before in earth's history, due to man's burning of massive amounts of hydrocarbons...if anything, plants are better off now than ever in terms of available CO2 availability
Please never post again. Your ignorance is dangerous.Umm have you heard of global warming? CO2 is higher now than ever before in earth's history, due to man's burning of massive amounts of hydrocarbons...if anything, plants are better off now than ever in terms of available CO2 availability