C02 Calculator ~ Calculate How Long to Run your CO2 Tank

Yes indeed thanks for the find!! I always wanted to find out a reliable way to calculate my co2 tanks!! Seriously man thanks!!
So with this do you need to buy a gauge for your co2 tank? Or can you just open the valve and let er fill the room up
Well as a dutiful rookie in this hobby I went and read the FAQ and it said at night Co2 levels climb..guessing cuz all the trees and stuff working in reverse. For an indoor grow why couldnt a person just run the lights at night and draw in some outside air..making it possible to skip the artificial Co2 injection or so it would seem to me. I mean if it need man made Co2 so bad how can it grow wild outside along the river bank without nobody there to inject it? Color me cornfused.

is scfh the same as cfh? thats what is says on my regulator. i put in the 12' long x 5' wide x 8' tall and i came up with 1 cfh. does that sound right?
when it says .37 minutes is that 37 minutes? I think a third of a minute would be way too short