C02 during flowering?


Active Member
I'd like to get some opinions on whether to use CO2 during veg or flowering or both? Is running CO2 during flowering reduce potency? Does running CO2 during flowering increase yeild? What are your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
All the time whenever the lights are on you can use C02

I high recommend it, and if you run higher temps it is a must

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Well obviously providing more of what the plant needs will result in a better plant :/


Well-Known Member
I plan on adding Co2 throughout weeks 5-9 to finish flowering. It will help combat high temps and, so I've been told, increase yield. My answer is yes, anytime you use co2 at a near optimal level your going to get an increase in performance in your garden IMO, I wish I used it through veg and my whole grow.